View Full Version : Chest Infection

14-03-06, 23:31
Hi all

Now i'm trying very hard not to panic and get paranoid, but 3 weeks ago i went down with a chest infection, (i suffer them at this time of year) since then i have had three lots of antibiotics, one lot after the other, and i've taken my last tablet tonight (thank goodness)

In the past i have been a lot worse with them and have had to stay in bed, but this time i really didn't feel ill, not well, but not ill...if that makes sense?

What is worrying me now is that my voice every now and then sounds as it i have a sore throat, it's really crocky, but my throat is fine...could this be the medication i have been taking?

My brother-in-law's voice went like this and he ended up with throat cancer, so you can see why i'm worried. I also know that when i see my GP he will want me to have a chest xray which i will dread, not the xray, but the waiting for the results, and why i dread it is because my sister died of lung cancer 4 years ago.

I would really like some help here, before it really gets to me and the panic sets in.


14-03-06, 23:39
look at it like this. if u had cancer ud be ill properly and as u said u didnt feel ill symptoms. ur doc wouldnt of let it go this far, would he. pls dont worry im here whe u need to chat xx

15-03-06, 01:58
hello trish,you have aswered your own question sweetie.You have gon thru a truly sad and all consuming experience,[i have lost alot of my family to cancer,and i have had it too]but not a Sister!you will feel you are at risk that's obvious,but also thee can be a feeling of buried guilt!why her not me kind of thing.totally natural feelings that come with grief!That is what you are still going thru ,grief!Let it out,maybe go for counselling.Then you will mend,i really believe this to be true and wish i had done it years ago.I am here,as is everyone,if you need to talk.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

15-03-06, 12:22
Thank you both for your replies.

I have just come back from seeing my GP and she has explained to me why my voice is like it is...so that has put my mind at rest on that score.

She listened to my chest and said that it sounded better than what it did, but feels that a chest xray would be useful as i may have a small pocket of infection still there, in which case i might need another lot of antibiotics[Sigh...] I told her that having this xray causes me to panic waiting for the results, and she said that she wants it done for no other reason than to see if i need more antibiotics and not because she thinks that i may have anything else. My peak flow was a lot better than it was 3 weeks ago...so thats a good sign...isn't it?

Rose, i have my first appointment tomorrow with a Clinical Psychologist, so i'm hoping that works out ok, i think you could be right regarding the grief, my sister's death affected me so much, as i looked after her at home up until the day she died, she was my best friend too, and was only 53.

I will keep you posted.
