View Full Version : Polyneuropathy??

07-11-10, 15:30
Im showing every sign of this. Today i am so fatigued my arms hurt and my feet are burning, my hands ache so much im actually in pain :(

Im seeing a doctor tomorrow and ive write down my sympotoms coz they fluctuate and are intermittent.

My nodes are up in neck and groin, 6 weeks its been now and they are still bad. My right arm keeps falling asleep and doesnt feel like its attached to my body. I keep getting severe burning and then freezing pain in my hands and feet but patches of it in left leg and arm.

Im hoping the doctor listens as im not seeing my usual doctor (who is fab), so bit nervous about what shes guna say.

Its so bad its affecting my activity and energy levels. I cant walk around trhe house wiuthout the burning and numbness coming on all over my body, my dead arm comes on and i cant carry on what im doing.

I am starting to feel so unwell, but im carrying on as i have a 2 year old and you kinda have to dont you.. but i feel so awful, its getting worse and worse, im actually in soo much pain with this burning and freezing that i feel like cutting my arms and legs off lol. The weakness hasnt subsided, i keep telling myself its anxiety but i dont feel anxious, and i cannot control it, not one bit, its comes on no matter what im doing and its so bad now im starting to think theres got to be something wrong.

My great aunt had neuropathy and eventually got parkinsons, which has run in my family, but obv im only 23, she got it when she was in her 50s.

My balsnce and co-prdination is awful too, i was trying to write earlier and i was shaking so much as i got close to the paper that i just couldnt do it, and if i tried and force myself, it rly hurt my hand and sent pains like prickling in my hand and up my arm :(

I just wish i had a diagnosis... stupid as it may sound i sometimes think if i had like MS or something like that, at least id know and could get treated!! Its the unknown that i cant handle :(

07-11-10, 15:56
I have most of those quite often, patches feel like a match has been dropped on them or ice put on them, areas falling asleep etc.

My GP said anxiety but wanted to get a few tests done to make sure. From what he explained about it i think its something to do with adrenaline and subconscious tensing.

07-11-10, 16:59
Hmmm thats very interesting actually. I hope to god it is just anxiety, but Dr.Googler says otherwise as usual lol! I cant believe how debilitating it all is tho, can u?? Does it get really bad for u?? do u honestly blv its anxiety and what tests have u had done/are u getting done?? I know for a fact i need a nerve conduction test coz i know sumthins wrong with my nerves, speshly in my arms and hands.

07-11-10, 17:14
since coming off my anti depressant i have had awful patches of burning and my skin feeling sore. since it seems to be yoo much of a c0-incidence (as in it has happened since stopping medication) - yes - i am totally prepared to believe that anxiety or your nervous system feeling shocked can cause it.

if you knew neruopathy/parkinsons runs in your family before you got these symptoms then i think this has just become a focus for your anxiety - we often try and fit illnesses to our symptoms and jump to the worst case scenario option with no real proof we should be doing so!

if you imagine how bad a sudden shock can make you feel - such as hearing bad news etc because your adrenalin is pumping - it is easy to see how too much adrenalin in your system on a day to day basis can make you feel the way you are doing x