View Full Version : ectopics/dizziness

07-11-10, 17:15
I understand these are usually harmless but Is it normal to get lots of these together during exercise, and feel light headed too? I might phone my doctor tommorow and see if I can see her as I'm quite scared! Wanting to ask for an ECG but too worried she'll be angry! I've never had ANY tests and I've suffered with this since I was eleven ish.

Going home
07-11-10, 17:22
Alot of the doctors send us for tests to reassure us not them, since they are usually aware that these ectopics are harmless. Maybe your doctor has been listening in to them through a stethascope over the years since you were 11 and felt that a test wasn't necessary? If you've been getting them for some years then its probably nothing to worry about and as you can see from the threads on here about them alot of us get them...ive had mine for over 30 years off and on...more on than off since the menopause I have to say :scared15:

Anna xx :)

07-11-10, 19:22
I think if your really worried it won't hurt to ask for an ecg, i'm sure the doc would have already given you 1 if they were concerned but they won't refuse if you feel you need 1..

I went to doc's over mine on friday and he ended up sending me to A+E for an ecg, they did end up keeping me in but i think it was more cos the A+E doc didn't know about it properly cos the doc who came to see me on the ward said he knew it was just eptopics caused by anxiety and was happy to let me go home the next morning, being kept in scared me but i'm also glad it happened in a way cos i had 2 ecg's and both showed my heart had a normal sinus rythm except for the eptopics and he assured me they are harmless, my heart is my main worry and to have 2 ecg's and told all is fine then i have to take that on board and believe i'm o.k...

Hope you get it sorted cos i know how awful it feels x x