View Full Version : Citalopam side effects

citralopam user
07-11-10, 18:18
I took Cit for 6 months including over Christmas 2009, which would have been about 2 months in.
I saw postive results fairly quickly, and have had no problems whatsoever since I stopped taking it; it appears to have succesfully stabilised my volatility.

I was chatting with my wife yesterday aboput the possibility of taking a break over Christmas coming and she remarked 'as long as we're not going to xxxxxxx again'. It then dawned on me that I had barely any recollection of the holiday we took 10 months ago, to the extent for example of not being able to recall the bathroom in the hotel or pretty much anything we did.

In contrast we went away in the summer for 10 days and I redall it all vividly, by this time I had been off Cit for 3 or 4 months. It has to be said that the stay last Christmas was hardly memorable once I clawed back some recollection of it, and it followed a hugely pressurised couple of months at work, whilst our summer break was memorable and out of the ordinary.

Nonetheless the gap in my memory seems very pronounced, and what little recollecton there is, very patchy and lacking virtually all detail. I cannot remember anything about Christmas Day. I can scarcely remember arriving or leaving. I remember plenty about August however.

Can anyone relate to this?

Input would be appreciated, thank you.

08-11-10, 20:26
I am currently on citalopram, 40mg, what dose where you taking? i cannot pin point any definite moments of not being able to remember something, but overall i too have memory loss and some confusion that might not be there if i was not taking citalopram, that medicine has a list of side effects like most do... memory loss/confusion. is definitely on that list.

08-11-10, 22:57
I hope I have got this right!

If I have then yes, I went through the same thing. I think the most important thing to remember though is you were on medication because your anxiety was very bad at that time so chances are it is the anxiety that has made you blot things out, not the Citalopram.

Maybe put something in the Citalopram forum for other opinions?

Glad you are better by the way :flowers: