View Full Version : i need some help advice had be examened by ER doctors 2 times this week?

07-11-10, 19:29
Now I am having sever flash backs, panic attacks, and i have been disocating. They had to examne me and it triggered me how do others cope with this? Can some one help me or tell me how they got threw something simmular? I am really lost at the molment. I just told the ER doctors that I was ok becuase that is how I usually handel things tell people that I am ok when I am really not that is how I have survived in the past.

08-11-10, 00:40

Sorry I am a little confused by your post, Do you have PTSD and the trip to the ER triggered you and you are having flashbacks?

Or did you have a trip to the ER and think that you now have PTSD?

We all have coping mechanisms in place for different situations, without knowing more it is difficult to be able to offer you advice.


Remember tomorrow is a bright new day

10-11-10, 23:47
I have PTSD and the trip to the ER triggered me and now I an having flashbacks and so on

11-11-10, 00:12

Are you having treatment for your PTSD? How do you normally cope with your flashbacks? It is a difficult condition to live with and I know but this episode will pass.
You know this as much as I do, long term you need to think about how you are going to tackle this issue.

Thinking of you and hope that tomorrow is a better day for you


Nigel H
12-11-10, 19:32
Hi - I used to have PTSD, following an accident and I have had it dealt with.

I suggest you find a Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy(R) and they will assist you in dealing with it swiftly and comfortably.

I am trained in it too .... the organisation that trained me run a course called the Warrior Program [I believe it's linked to one of Prince Charles' charities] and they assist ex-service men and women with PTSD very effectively also.

In the USA you should be able to find someone, since the originator of TLT is Tad James - an American.

Check out his site www.timelinetherapy.net

and maybe the Time Line Therapy Association whom should be able to put you in touch with someone in your area.

Good luck
