View Full Version : After two years I am still having physical anxiety symptoms-feeling fed up

07-11-10, 19:30
Hi all

I had a bad time with anxiety and depression starting in October 2008, started on 20mg of citalopram in March (plus counselling) and gradually got myself back on my feet. I have changed my lifestyle, I have had a job for over a year (something I thought I could never do), have a lovely boyfriend and two lovely cats in a lovely home. However despite my happiness now I am still suffering from at least one anxiety symptoms each day no matter what I am doing. I am now off the antidepressants ( :yesyes:) but even when I was on then I was still getting the symptoms which frustrate me and bring me down. I still get panicky when I am alone in shops and driving my car-the anxiety and fear of panic attacks is still lingering.

Has anybody got any suggestions? Am I better off fighting this lingering anxiety by trying to find a 'cure' or letting it take over me and not to fear it? I really fear getting back to the way I used to be-that is probably why the anxiety still affects me-a fear of fear. I understand that but I can't seem to shake it off :weep:

I am currently having counselling again (since I came off the antidepressants) through work which has helped but I get frustrated and beat myself up for not being 'over it' by now because I am infact alot happier that when I first got into this horrible anxiety nightmare.

Has anybody got any advice or can anybody relate to my situation? Do I just need to be more patient? Am I being too hard on myself?


08-11-10, 09:24
i feel the same way as you. i am now off my antidepressants but still feel anxious much of the time - sometimes it lifts for a few hours - sometimes i have it all day. i have also been suffering stomach symptoms for 4-5 months which i am having an endoscopy on wednesday but would not be surprised if this is tension related too.

i too get symptoms on a daily basis although if they are mild i can put them to one side. to be honest - i really do not think there is any "cure" - especially not outside of ourselves although medication can improve it and yet i still suffered relapses/symptoms on citalopram too. and so the only way to dampen the nervous system down naturally is to give into it - to let yourself feel whatever your body wants to feel and ride it out x neither should you be unkind to yourself - look at how much you have achieved already! x