View Full Version : Passing Stools/Blood When I Wipe..

07-11-10, 20:29
Im having a really bad Anx attack because yesterday and today, when ive gone to the loo, to pass stools.. ive wiped and there was blood there. Light red blood and quite alot, it only appears when i go for the 'number 2' its not funny and it is embarressing, what could this be?

Im really frightented!!

07-11-10, 20:37
Good possibiliy its Piles or a fissure Ruby .Have you been constipated recently by any chance hun ? If its only happening when you go to the loo its a sure sign its not serious tbh .But if it doesnt clear up try some cream from the Chemist or pop to the Dr for reassurance he will perscribe something for it if he thinks its needed .T/c .luv Sue x

07-11-10, 20:41
Thankyou so much xo

07-11-10, 20:43
If the blood is bright in colour, then it tends to suggest it's fresh, and so it's likely to be something along the lines of haemorrhoids (piles). It's nothing to be concerned about, although it can itch and be pretty sore, however there are creams available as suzy-sue says.