View Full Version : needle phobia

07-11-10, 20:42
hi , my name is jean am needle phobic but one day I will beat this demon

07-11-10, 20:43
Hi wackywear

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
07-11-10, 21:51
Hi Jean, welcome x

07-11-10, 21:58
Welcome Jean. My son has needle phobia and is due to go for his flu jab next week! He takes a glucose drink with him incase he passes out after it. You are not alone with this Jean, so don't despair. Let's face it, needles are horrible!!:hugs:x

07-11-10, 22:00
Welcome to the forums!

19-12-10, 01:01
Hi I'm Sarah. REALLY scared of needles.Just cannot get past this. Have been like it many years.

I had chest pains, irregular heart beat feeling faint. Went to A&E. Dr wanted to do blood test I refused. This was 6 months ago. Went for scan, was found to have diseased aortic valve, probably needing repair. I refused, and walked again. Dr wanted me at least to go onto Warfarin, which needs a blood test every 2 weeks. I just cannot do this....so have been given very high dose Asprin.

I had what emergency Dr said he thought was DVT in my leg, 4 months ago. Was sent to A&E again, Dr wanted to take blood. I refused. He said I had to have course of injections STRAIGHT INTO MY STOMACH I went to pieces, and walked out again. 2 Drs rang me up at home and read me the riot act. Told me I could die if I kept on refusing needles. One of my children rang Dr, but they said they couldn't discuss my case without my sanction, but anyway cannot move without me agreeing.

I have 1 tooth that will fall out before Christmas, its hanging on with a thread. Another tooth isn't very good at all, and needs to be pulled, but I just cannot face injection to get teeth sorted. These 2 teeth are very near front of my mouth and will show. I will just have to stay in the house when this happens. I cannot go out with teeth missing, yet I dare not see anyone about it.
My GP is a 'pull yourself together, girl' sort of person. I get sympathy from the Drs that aren't my GP, but my own GP has lost patience with me, and I have to go through her to get any help. She tells me there is no help...nothing at all. Its down to me. OK its down to me...then I will die...what else can I do ?? in terrible state. This has gone on 30 years now. I refused jabs at my childrens births, I was very lucky I got through it without 1 jab.

I can jab my dogs, no problem. Never had a problem with this, so not a fear of touching hypodermic syringes....have lots in my house. some damned great big ones. I live on a farm, and we have big syringes for cows, and MONSTER sized needles around, they never bother me to wash them out , but will NOT have jabs myself.
Anyone see any help here for me. I am facing open heart surgery, and I CANNOT do it at all, You'd think looking at my family would be enough to push me into blood tests and surgery, but not even looking at my 2 yr old G/daughter will persuade me to go through with it.
Any Help or advice, anyone, anywhere. Drs say I have 'extreme needle phobia'.

20-01-11, 16:51
my name is Gill,I have had a severe needle phobia since I was 3,so no hope for me.I have avoided needles all my life but last June was taken to hospital after a heart attack that I would not get treatment for due to the needles.I sent my blood sugar very high through drinking Lucozade.I spent 8 days in hospital and had over a hundred injections,most into my stomach,6 cannulas inserted into my hands and arms and was on a drip for 4 days.I was so ill that I could not stop the injections although I refused to consent to them but they forced them into me.I was released on 4 insulin injections a day,thankfully stopped after 3 months.I also had to take warfarin but after 4 traumatic blood tests I just couldn't carry on.I bought a home tester for inr but that takes a large blood sample and cannot face that anymore.My doctor just humours me and will not find an alternative to the warfarin,so I take it but wont test.I feel I would rather die than ever let anyone prick me again and am at the depths of despair.My life is just a misery since being in hospital and I don'twant to carry on most of the time.

20-01-11, 17:07
funnily enough my 17 year old daughter has a phobia about needles. Anyway, she plucked up the courage to donate blood a few weeks ago with me which was quite impressive. Her boyfriend went along as well to encourage her....... I couldn't persuade him to donate........ and when he saw them pulling the needle out her arm, he fainted and was out cold for a good 10 minutes!! I'm under strict instructions not to tell any of my daughters friends what happened lol.