View Full Version : Fear of dropping dead.. :(

07-11-10, 22:04
I could just be having a normal day, happy as larry. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, i get in this almighty depressing, panicky state and i dont have a clue why??. The feeling scares me so much, because it comes out of nowhere, i will get a slight pain in my chest and thats it, IM GONNA DIE! Its like a sinking feeling (i cant explain it)..Its Sucha horrible feeling! I hate it.. I imagine my death all the time and that scares me more cos I can actually see it happening if u know what i mean! I know this sounds really stupid but sometimes I think my body is trying to tell me that i'm going to die by giving me this feeling, although it passes, i think 1 day it wont! Like before I was walking around the house and my dog was following me and u know like they say dogs can see into the future, well I had a mini panic attack cos i thought it could see my death.. How stupid is that? I get so frustrated, I just want to enjoy my life with my 2 kids! Not having a very good time at the minute, just want these thoughts out of my head.

I just dont understand why I feel like this, or why i have this fear?

07-11-10, 22:24
I dont know why we have this fear, but I am exactly the same as you in fact I could have wrote that myself. It's very scary and un-nerving, but some how we have trained our brains to think this and we need to un train them to not think it. I am slightly better thanI was before but still check my pulse all the time and get the pains you talk about.

If you want to chat you can PM me anytime xxxx

Smile :)
07-11-10, 22:25
Hi Amy, I know exactly how you feel. I had a dizzy spell one day at work and from then on I've been so scared I will drop dead I was feeling dizzy and not myself all the time (anxiety kicking in). Your fear is making you anxiety worse and when your anxiety is worse so are you physical symtoms. It's a vicious circle. I have always been scared of death which made it all worse. I do feel for you and hope you get better soon :) xxx

paula lynne
07-11-10, 23:03
Hi Amy, theres great info on this in the column on the left, panic and anxiety. I was like you a few years back, you will survive.x dr claire weekes is a great read x

07-11-10, 23:22
Oh my god I could easily have written this myself. I am exactly the same! My mind has gone Gaga since I started having panic attacks. If someone looks at me for too long, especially a child, I think they probably have some sort of psychic gift and can see that I've only got a few days/hours left to live. LOL! It sounds so stupid when I say it, but it's true.

I think over thinking about negative things like death are the cause of it all, stemmed from anxiety as it can make you feel like your going to die. Those feelings of dread that you get, I get them too, they are horrible and difficult to shake off. But it is literally all anxiety and your mind going into over drive.

You are 100% not alone.

Hope I've helped in some way. :)

08-11-10, 00:11
Awwwwwww thank you all, i feel miles better knowing other people are feeling like me, I feel just so alone in all this! No one seems to understand, I find it very hard to accept the fact that its just anxiety.. That is my problem. Thank you all for your replies.. Gotta love this site! :) xx

08-11-10, 14:52
I can relate to this. I have an incredibly hard time believing that it's just anxiety. I'm just constantly thinking, "Why me?"
