View Full Version : Indigestion pain?

07-11-10, 22:22
Can anyone please let me know how their indigestion/ heartburn etc feels?

I have been getting pain in my chest since Friday and it's starting to make me anxious now. I had assumed it was reflux/indigestion but it is really quite bothersome.

I feel like I'm wheezy when I breathe and the pain is in the top of my chest, as opposed to below my ribs where I usually get heartburn.

How far up does the pain of indigestion actually come?

07-11-10, 22:59
Indigestion can be anywhere in your digestive system and throat.

08-11-10, 14:49
Well the Dr has asked me to take the omoprazole twice a day now and I am being tested for h pylori.

They didn't check me over but said it wasn't going to be my heart - how they can tell from not checking I don't know but anyway...

They also said that there isn't a link between palpitations and indigestion, which goes against what people have been saying on here so I just don't know what to believe now.

08-11-10, 14:57
Hi Dodo

I've been getting heartburn/indigestion for over 7 years now, ever since my second pregnancy and have GORD. I don't get any pains in my chest or throat but it's always under my lower right rib area. Lie you, I also take omeprazole.

It's good that you're being tested for the HPylori bug because if the result is positive you'll get antibiotics to eradicate it. Has your doctor mentioned that you'll need to be off the omeprazole for a couple of weeks before you are tested? I was switched to Ranitadine before I had the test which came back negative.

08-11-10, 15:03
No they didn't say that was an issue at all. Oh dear, my test is Monday and I haven't taken any since Saturday.

Have you had any side effects from the omoprazole? I have been getting diarrhoea the past couple of days but don't know if it's just coincidence.

08-11-10, 15:03
Have you been tested for gallstones btw?

08-11-10, 15:28
Hi dodo

From my own experience, indigestion can occur in all sorts of ways. I somehow don't seem to get it as much these days (I seem to get IBS symptoms more instead!), but I used to suffer with it dreadfully a few years ago. With it, I could get stomach pain, chest pain, burning in the back of my throat, reflux/regurgitation, vast quantities of wind (burp! :blush: - I can burp for England, I think) and sometimes even pain in my arms, which is extremely scary if you're of the "I'm having a heart attack" frame of mind. On occasions I've even had pain that has gone right through into my back, which is great for frightening yourself to death with thoughts of pancreatitis.

And thinking about it, I can also get feelings of something being "stuck" in my oesophagus, which can be a really sharp pain at times.

08-11-10, 15:32
I have had all of the above lol.

Have had pancreatitis myself so I know that one and it isn';t quite that painful.

But I seem to be able to feel it rising up my back if that makes sense too.

And now I have this dratted diarrhoea possibly from the omprazole. Grrr, not making me too happy at the moment.

08-11-10, 15:36
Yes, know what you mean about the feeling in your back. I'll also feel it around my sides as well sometimes, although that tends to come more if I get IBS symptoms very badly.

08-11-10, 16:05
The trouble is with your analogy of the 'what if it's a heart attack' time of mind - mine is always on the left as well which obviously stimulates the mind!

08-11-10, 16:30
Hi dodo

I've had several scans over the years to check for gallstones but they've always come back clear. I don't know if there's any other test out there for this?

08-11-10, 16:33
No if your scans were clear then you're ok - thank goodness for you - it was just a thought beings you said it was right side. I've had them so know what it's like and know pregnancy can cause them.