View Full Version : feel a bit put out now posting about ha

08-11-10, 00:17
hi all
i have been reading through some resent post and have been left to feel like i should not be posting about my ha, i feel like it as been maid a burden to this site as 1 person says ha as took over the site and it was not ment to be a site for this ,I also use it for other thing to as i suffer from panic attacks to ,and find the site great ,But for any 1 else who feels they are put out using it 4 ha like myself i have found a new site what is for ha http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php/board,6.0.html, im not putting nmp down or anything because it helps me lots ,but im just so confused with whats been posted about ha x

08-11-10, 00:59
Hi Lisa,

I read the thread you are refering to and no one is suggesting that you shouldn't post about HA, that thread was a discussion that got a little out of hand although it did provide some members that don't suffer with HA some valuable insight.

Please don't feel that you shouldn't post here, that is what this section of the website was created for:)

Yes Nic intially set this up as a site for panic but she realised that she needed to add HA to the forum as she completely understands that panic/anxiety can come from and equally cause HA.

A few of the NMP admins suffer with HA so she does know about the issues it can cause.

She realised that NMP had to evolve and accomodate all strands of panic and anxiety but the nature of our illness(es) is that we are very emotive as well.

I am glad that you have found an extra place that you feel could be beneficial, perhaps you might want to put a post in the useful links section?


Remember tomorrow is a bright new day

08-11-10, 01:03
thanks for the reply lynn .just dint want to be a burden to any 1 x

08-11-10, 01:10

You aren't hun, I don't have HA but I can understand the worry and distress it causes those that do, quite a few of my friends suffer with it and I would hate to think that anyone felt unable to seek support and advice here for any reason and I am sure that everyone feels the same way:)

This is what this site was created for, to give and recieve help, I know thats why I joined. Also why Nic and all the admins give up their free time to help it stay running.

Nic obviously felt there was a need to provide support to HA sufferers thats why this section was created hun.

You are not a burden to anyone:bighug1:


08-11-10, 08:34
Just to say as well that the site you linked to is not specifically for health anxiety. It is basically exactly the same as here which means it is a general site for panic and anxiety disorders and contains a sub folder for health anxiety.

I used to moderate on the site you refer to and yes, the health anxiety folder was by far the busiest. I don't know if this was because people with health anxiety visited it or the more curious non HA sufferers visited and then in turn became concerned about their symptoms and then HA became an issue for them.

I don't really see how people can say that particular strands of an anxiety could 'take over' as site as this is the point of seperate sub folders within forums...people can choose what folders to visit...as I say, even though I modded on that forum as my area of illness and subsequent recovery was health anxiety I spent nearly all of my within that sub folder.

I know I probably bore the pants of people but I bang on about my mantra...'health anxiety is actually nothing to do with worrying about your health, it is a smokescreen! Health anxiety is about feeling compelled to worry, control and be self absorbed and for whatever reason your body has become the best focus for that worry at this time of your life.' With this in mind, I personally feel that a forum that has seperate folder that relate to a diversity of anxiety disorders is a better option as the core issue for all of us is much the same...it is surprising how much we can find out about our issues and problems when we see the issues and problems other are facing as well.

08-11-10, 09:34
That's an excellent mantra for HA!