View Full Version : very numb ring & pinky fingers at night

08-11-10, 08:43
I can slowly feel my anxiety gripping me again :weep: & i need some help.

Every single night i wake up with numb pinky & ring fingers on my right hand. On the same arm i get a painless spasm which runs under my armp up by my armpit. Its like a sudden, very strong flick which scares the absolute hell out of me. Its completely painless but its like the muscle retracts really quickly & it happens at least once a day & its worse at the weekends when im out & about.

Im absolutely terrified of having MS & im so worried about these symptoms :~(

can anyone help me? x

08-11-10, 09:03
Ive had it for years, i wake up most morings with numb pinkys and ring fingers on both hands.
Its to do with the ulnar nerve. Its probably the way that you are laying at night, maybe with your elbows bent. This morning mine still feel a bit numb but if i stretch my elbows i will get more feeling back in them

08-11-10, 09:17
My wife gets those symptoms almost exactly as you describe. She does not suffer anxiety her problem is as a result of dislocating her elbow a couple of years ago. The specialist she went to see (We have private health insurance)told her she had almost certainly damaged or miss-aligned a nerve. So my guess is it could well be a trapped nerve.

08-11-10, 09:26
My wife gets those symptoms almost exactly as you describe. She does not suffer anxiety her problem is as a result of dislocating her elbow a couple of years ago. The specialist she went to see (We have private health insurance)told her she had almost certainly damaged or miss-aligned a nerve. So my guess is it could well be a trapped nerve.

hi there, does she get the flicky spasm thing? xx

08-11-10, 09:28
Hi, I get this as well and my doctor diagnosed it as ulnar nerve problems some years ago. It comes and goes but I very frequently wake up with it in both hands.

08-11-10, 17:37
thanks all, is the spasm thing ulnar nerve though? that terrifies me :(

10-11-10, 02:28
That's it times up :D

You have these symptoms too long for it to be ms :yesyes:
You would have been so severe that you would have been put on medication for it and did you know that drs advise women with ms NOT to get pregnant!!!!

How did both of your pregnancies fair??? Just fine i'll bet cos you have SERIOUS complications when pregnant with ms

So no MS for you

At all

It's stress honey, the more you panic the more your body releases cortisol and adrenalin. These very serious CHEMICALS play havoc with your nerves. Causing loads of twiches, numbness, tingling, zaps and flinches.

My eye lid used to flicker like crazy and my fingers went numb too, also i Had shocking twitches.

Got to break it down and understand that your body has its own chemicals and they can get out of wack and cause problems. these twitches are harmless though.:hugs::hugs:

27-11-10, 16:49
This is getting worse & happening every night now :( im just having such a bad day x

27-11-10, 18:29
Have you tried a chiropractor? I had a run of this and he sorted it out straight away. I still get it every now and again and it's usually when I've trapped the nerve somewhere. It runs all the way from the shoulder so will account for all the symptoms you're getting. Worth a shot for sure.

27-11-10, 19:23
def i will give it a go! x

27-11-10, 19:24
Let us know how you get on x A lot of my tingling and stuff was from trapped nerves at the neck and shoulders from tension. I really need to go back....

27-11-10, 19:32
I always find that my pinky and ring finger are numb in the morning if i sleep with my elbows bent.
This last week ive woken up with them being completely numb and even now the feeling is not back to normal.
I go through phases of having it.