View Full Version : New and worried

08-11-10, 10:08
Just arrived home to find my pap smear results - which came back normal, but a handwritten note from my doctor on the side of the paper referring to the blood test I had done at the same time. It said "there were also some minor things in your blood test. I think you should have another blood test in a month or so to clarify this. Often these minor changes correct themselves". And that's all it said. I'm now left worrying about what these minor changes could be. Do I have some cancer and she wants to check it again in a month? If it was cancer, would she get me checked out quickly? I am thinking the worst and can't ring my doctor to get some reassurance until the morning. Now I scared I won't sleep. Just a bit worried about it.

08-11-10, 10:10
Hi lesyloo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
08-11-10, 10:16
Hi Leslyloo, welcome aboard :welcome:
I dont think its a serious as cancer, something like that "doesnt right itself". Its probably your cells fighting infection or something similar, which CAN right itself. Im very glad your pap result was a positive.
Try to stay calm until you have your next blood results, and go from there. Theres really no point worrying about something you have no control over, you can deal with it once you have a conclusive result ok love. Like you say, ring your gp in the morning, maybe they can reassure you, and give you some more information.
I hope you feel better soon xx

08-11-10, 10:26
Thank you Paula. Your comment about cancer "doesn't right itself" has made me see sense already. I just freak out very quickly!

08-11-10, 10:28
If your doctor was worried, he probably would have scheduled another test for a lot sooner than once month away. :)

08-11-10, 10:33
Thank you Raver. I hope you're right. I'm sure you are!

paula lynne
08-11-10, 10:37
That sounds right Raver, yes if it was urgent, your gp would have arranged a blood test the same day.
Keep busy loo and try to put it out of your mind love ok xx