View Full Version : Weird body zaps/sensations in bed

08-11-10, 11:20
I am getting so fed up of these weird symptoms - I have experienced head/body zaps where you feel as if you have just fallen through the bed but actually not moved for a split second or i get a couple of second sensation as if a huge rush of tingling has shot up my body again with as strange sensation just like you get when a lift suddenly goes down. I first experienced them about 8 yrs ago and was plagued with them on and off for about a year then they went away for years but past year they are back and I hate it.

8 yrs ago I was told it could be due to the heniated disc in my neck but unlikley more likely due to anxiety- they started about a year after my mother had died after long battle with cancer and I had been involved in a near death car crash( no my fault) and seemed to be fine and this time they have started about 6 months after moving house to new area and then a new friend moving to other end of country - don't know if there is a link.

this time I have had a adrenal test to rule out an adrenal tumour (24hr urine test) I had 24hr ecg 5 months ago and another one this week and a referral to cardio as I have have a couple of episodes of feeling very strange and faint then racing heart ( GP does not know if this is connected to my bed time feelings or not).

I get a racing heart after the weird sensations that last a time and am also having bad time with ectopics although bet they are good later this week when I have the 24hr ecg. Dr said cardio will probably want to do a 7 day ecg.

I have read posts on here about head body zaps when trying to fall asleep or relaxed and just need others experiences to help me cope with mine please

08-11-10, 15:10

Gosh.. quite refreshing to read someone else describing exactly what I get too. I've been getting it for about 6+ months now although not every night.

I've tried describing it to my doctors but they just look at me as if I'm bonkers and offer no explanation or tests. Mine only happens just as I'm falling asleep and I start to feel floaty and get the 'rush'n then my pulse races and I feel more 'floaty' so finish up propping myself upright in bed. I usually fall asleap after a few hours usually around 3am. Very annoying indeed.

I used to get what I called a 'bump sensation' in my chest when falling asleep but not had that for a few years.

Can't offer you any advise as what it is or what causes it as my docs are ignoring me so I just put up with it now and if it happens.

I wonder if it may have something to do with the fact that my periods suddenly stopped for some reason...which again my doctors have ignored and not tested so perhaps it's just hormonal or stress related.

Anyway whatever it is it's not killed me so I'm not worrying about it anymore it just drived me mad ha ha.

I'll be interested to hear your results of the various tests you are having though and wether any explanation is found. Good luck x x

08-11-10, 18:08
Thanks Dizz again nice to know I am not alone in my weird sensations. Interesting I am perimenopausal for past 5 yrs but still having periods but very very irregular - I started natural progesterone cream a year ago because I was bleeding for up to 4 months at a time and flooding:mad: and after all the tests told I was oestragen dominent. I would also go up to 5 months without a period as well. Since using the cream things have improved but still never know whats going to happen.

I can sympathise with the sitting up in bed to 3am before falling asleep and like you I don't get it every night - i can be bad for 2-3 nights then nothing for a week and then its back again.

so weird and as you say maybe not life threatening but very unpleasant and really affects your quality of life.

08-11-10, 21:22
Gosh think I'd rather be as I am than have 4 months of bleeding and flooding. That must have been awful.

Can I ask what tests you had to determine that you are actually perimenopausal ?

I'm still convinced that my symptoms are hormonal rather than as a consequence of suspected 'stress' especially as my periods just stopped (although I realise that stress can cause them to stop too). Thinking about it mine did get a bit lighter before they stopped so wether that is significant I don't know. I still get slight cramps like I'm going to have a period but nothing happens.

Sort of a vicious cirlce and a roundabout situation eh as one can cause the other and vice versa so it's hard to know what the culptit really is.

I specifically asked for a hormone test so they humoured me... was a bit odd as it took two atempts to get blood from me and I'd never had a problem before nor am I squeamish . I waited for the results and they had lost them.

So had it done again and second time it took 3 different practice nurses and holes all over my arm to get blood... the nurses couldn't believe it as I have regular blood tests to test kidney function due to being on blood pressure tablets.

Anyway the results came back and I was simply told they showed that I 'might' have just ovulated ? I wasn't menopausal but I 'might' be perimenopausal ?

On my next appointment I queried the results and was told that a hormone tests CAN ONLY be done on the 5th day of your cycle and as I wasn't having any the results were inconclusive... so I 'might' be menopausal... or I 'might' be perimenopausal
or I 'might not' be either. Very helpfull eh :)

I felt so cr*p that I burst into tears so then the male doctor decided I must be suffering from stress or anxiety.... so here I am today none the wiser.

Interesting that you mention you were found to be oestrogen dominant as I have read that that causes the exact very same symptoms than can be associated with stress/anxiety/depression as does a lack of certain female hormones.

Sorry for the long post but you have me thinking again now and I look forward to hearing what tests you have had and how you are getting on.

Can I also ask what other symptoms you have ie are you tired all the time etc etc etc


08-11-10, 22:34
Here goes Dizz - via the Gp I saw a gyny and had the usual ultrasound and then a hysteroscopy, I have so far had 3 of these and never again while conscious! Nothing sinister going on - by then I had bled every day for 4 months often just spotting but also up to 4 days at a time of flooding which was scary, thankfully I never became aneamic. The gyny explained that my symptoms were usually due to oestragen dominence as I would not be producing any progesterone as I was not ovulating ( I knew this myself as no ovulation pain that I had had all my life). Gyny options were hysterectomy- mirena coil or live with it. I said bye bye.
I then had hormone saliva tests via geneva diagnostics and the natural progesterone service ( google this) and it showed that I had 4 times more oestragen than progesterone. i then contacted a private Dr who specialised in natural progesterone cream/treatment and had telephone consultations since and the cream. Every 6 months I have another salive hormone test to check levels. its not cheap but is just not available on nhs. You can buy natural progesterone cream on web but would not advise it without medical advice.
The hormone blood tests your Dr can do are only any good at showing up if you have gone through the menopause but cannot tell you if you are peri menopausal. I had two of these and one said yes and one said no as it depends on your hormones that day.
I found that when I was having the marathon bleeds it would alway be preceded by going at least 4 months bleed free.
As I said I am still very irregular even on the cream so I can have period say every 3 weeks for a few cycles then can go 10 weeks or up to three months then back to every 4 weeks.
I have just had another saliva hormone test and will be having a consultation with my private Dr to discuss resutls etc in next few weeks.
If you want more details please pm me.

08-11-10, 23:03

Thanks ever so much for such a detailed and helpfull reply.

I will google the natural prog service that you mention and no doubt I'll have some more questions after that. Cant help but wonder why the same sort of tests are not offered via the NHS though... it would make life a lot easier eh.

Thanks once again and I'll pm you with my next round of questions no doubt oops

Just hope after 6 months of 'none' I don't go into 'marathon mode' like you mentioned :wacko:

take care :bighug1:

08-11-10, 23:11
Hi sorry I forgot to ask...... since getting your private results has your doctor/gynie offered you any more advice / medication or a course of further action or are you on your own now ?

09-11-10, 11:00
I have follow up appts with my private Dr roughly every 6 months and eh is the one who prescribes the cream and sends it to me as the dose is tailored to me only by the hormone results again I have them tested every 6 months as well so the two work together. i can also consult him with any questions at any time but obviously i pay for this. It isn't too expensive my follow up appt is only £27 a time and the cream is about £47 for three months worth.