View Full Version : no idea why

08-11-10, 12:00
for the past couple of weeks now i have been getting random dull aches in my legs, sometimes shooting pain but mostly in my thighs and left calf area. it varies. once it was so sore i had to take a pain killer to help me sleep. wasnt too worried but its still happening so im wondering does anybody know any reasons for this happening?? i mentioned it to my doc the other day but he didnt seem bothered.im constantly on my feet with my ten month old but even at rest its aches :( :weep:

08-11-10, 12:47
Sounds like muscle tension. Do u take meds? I would phone and book an advance appt with ur doctor for, say, 2 weeks..

Then the day before your appt, if its still bad then go to ur appt and say u wanna know whats going on and can u have some bloods done (bloods can show all sorts of things).

In those 2 weeks it might be alot better so if so, u can just phone up and cancel.

Hope u feel better soon :)

08-11-10, 13:01
no im not on any meds cept for ones i take for my ibs which i only started taking recently. hmmm just remembered there i have a tender foot my left foot when i squeeze on either sides together it hurts feels like a bruised feeling, got that a wile back when i was at the gym hmmm maybe they are connected perhaps i sure hope so, dont want it to be anything serious

08-11-10, 13:11
i will ask for blood test anyway :) didnt have my bloods taken since i had my baby nearly 11 months ago :ohmy:

09-11-10, 08:00
my lehgs ache when i lie down they just really hurt and feel bteer when i tence them lol dunno what it is just thought it was another anxiety thing lol :/