View Full Version : Whats the best way to come off ssri's??

08-11-10, 12:42
Ive been taking 20mg Citalopram for 11 months. I want to come off them and battle my demons on my own without medication, as im fed up with all the side effects of it all but i just generally dont want to be on medication anymore.

I started cutting them in half, so i started taking 10mg, but i started feeling very strange and im wondering if i should do like "monday - 20mg , tuesday - 10mg, wednesday - 20mg, and so on... what do u guys think? I dont know whats the best way to come off them. Ive been taking 10mg for the last 2 weeks and i just feel so ill.. could it be down to this?? I know ssri withdrawl sydrome is common when ending ssri's, so im starting to worry that this is what ive got becaue i just suddenly cut down to 10mg...

what do u guys think?

My lymph noides are still up (been 6 weeks now), and im getting some really odd sensations throughout my bodsy, sudden burning and weird numb patches, chills, etc etc..................terrified i have lymphoma or some sort of serious infection or disease.

So scared. Docs at 3:50pm today..what should i say????

08-11-10, 12:53
What should you say?....exactly what you have said above. Your doctor should be receptive to your desire to get of the drugs and should help with alternatives. I would definitely be guided by your doc with regards to cutting back on the cit or you could undo all the good work, I would have thought coming of the cit should be combined with other strategies to maintain the equilibrium.

I would try to go in to your docs with a positive attitude because that will help you both tackle the problems head on so to speak.

Either way I shall be thinking of you and have one of these to help you on your way :hugs:

08-11-10, 13:46
I've come off citalopram twice and used the 20>10>20 method. Both times I suffered minimal side effects from them. My advice would be to follow what your body is telling you.

08-11-10, 15:38
The last time I was on citalopram (which must be 4-5 years ago now), I think it took about 8 weeks to get off them completely.