View Full Version : Facing one of my fears tmoz

08-11-10, 13:50
After 7 years avoiding the dentist I'm finally going tomorrow , not my choice really I have to go , am dreading it as it's one of my fears but I'm gonna tell the dentist man how my anxiety stops me from going atleast then Il feel reassured that he knows , I'm sick of hiding it know but little baby steps at first in trying to overcome this horrible thing ,

08-11-10, 13:58
Hi Natalie, Well done you, the dentists are really understanding now & are better prepared to give you reassurance with this. Im sure you will be fine & give yourself something to look forward to after you have been. :hugs:

08-11-10, 14:32
Well Done You!!!!! Hope it all goes well. I'm just the same about going to the dentist - and he's my brother-in-law! x

08-11-10, 14:41
Well done, you should be proud of yourself.:)

08-11-10, 15:09
Well done, do let us know how you get on. I suffered with severe dental phobia at one stage and didn't go for years, but I managed to find a really brilliant dentist and I can go now with no problems, even for the "nasties" like root canal work.

08-11-10, 16:30
Thanks guys , I dunno why I'm scared of going , I used b fine when I was younger , it's just another anxiety thing I suppose .
Gotta go on a coach end of November on a motorway ( a school trip to c Santa ) I know I won't b fine with that , not sure wether to take a diazepam before I go ? I mean how will it make me feel ? Do u think it's wise taking one when I've gotta look after my 3 yr old ?

08-11-10, 18:07
Hi Natalie , well done you, I have a similar problem with going to the dentist, I last went to the dentist about 7 or 8 months ago because I had absess and had to go, I was absoultely petrified to go but i did it, and I explained to the dentist and thought im tired of being embarrased with the anxiety and tired of hiding it, and it went just fine.
I think if you explain to the dentist that you are nervous about it and haven't been to the dentist in a long time ..they should be really understanding.

Regarding the diazepam... I only took it once when I was in my late teens and it knocked me for six !! So I really would try and find something else that will help for the coach trip, perhaps rescue remedy? also those travel sickness wristbands can help with motion sickness .

take care xxx

08-11-10, 18:27
Thanks guys , I dunno why I'm scared of going , I used b fine when I was younger , it's just another anxiety thing I suppose .
Gotta go on a coach end of November on a motorway ( a school trip to c Santa ) I know I won't b fine with that , not sure wether to take a diazepam before I go ? I mean how will it make me feel ? Do u think it's wise taking one when I've gotta look after my 3 yr old ?

I have just been seen by the dentist for the first time in 10 yrs :scared15:

All went ok and only one filling..don't worry, you'll be ok.

A suggestion for the Diazepam..I have never taken it but have a friend who takes a one with her in a container in her purse for emergencies.
Perhaps take it with you rather than taking it beforehand?

I would also look at an alternative as previously suggested, good luck.

08-11-10, 19:46
After 7 years avoiding the dentist I'm finally going tomorrow , not my choice really I have to go , am dreading it as it's one of my fears but I'm gonna tell the dentist man how my anxiety stops me from going atleast then Il feel reassured that he knows , I'm sick of hiding it know but little baby steps at first in trying to overcome this horrible thing ,Hi Natalie.
Your dentist will probably ask you to fill out a quick medical questionare about anything that you may be allergic to or any medications that you may be taking,you maybe given this at reception to fill in whilst your'e waiting but you'll be able to discuss it with your dentist.

I spent a similar period of time without visiting the dentist due to anxiety but eventually re-registered about five years ago at the same practice which had been taken over by a new dentist who is very understanding and makes you feel relaxed.I'm really pleased that I made the decision to return and that my gnashers are in good hands.:D

Go for it, you won't regret it.

margaret jones
08-11-10, 19:59
Natalie well done for going to the dentist and even better you are going to tell him/her your fears that is a biggy .

Your trip to see santa ( can i come ) i havent seen him in yrs :) Re the Rescue remedy i have it with me all the time and it really helps do try it hun and give santa a list for me please .
Robbie WIlliams to sing for me
Jamie Oliver to cook for me
Aggie to clean for me

08-11-10, 20:07

i hate the dentist to and get so nervous about going but i can just about manage and cling onto the chair. Its good to let the dentist know you anxious so they can help reasure you can calm you down. hope it goes well for you, well done for taking the step.

Im even more scared about going to the GP and need to get over this its hard though tc