View Full Version : Recurrent Brain Tumour Worry - Headaches

08-11-10, 15:03
Hi all,

I recently posted about my headaches that I keep getting, and that my biggest fear is a Brain Tumour. I went to see my doctor about the headaches and my fear but he said it probably just sinus and tension headaches.

However, the other day I woke up with a really stiff neck, and now the headache seems to have travelled down to the back of my neck. I just though I had slept funny, but when I turn left or right it kills my neck and puts more strain on my headache!? Is this normal with tension headaches? I just thought with tension headaches that you get the pressure in the back of the head???

Im very confused and fed up!

Thanks so much for listening xxx

08-11-10, 15:11
Sounds like you have a pulled muscle in your neck to me. I sometimes get a headache from my neck when I've slept funny (sometimes you do this without knowing).