View Full Version : Brain tumour, cancer or serotonin syndrome

08-11-10, 17:00
So I have beenfeeling rough since having a hysterectomy 5 months ago. Put on HRT. Had headaches and panic attacks so put on another. As soon as I take it I get terrible headaches and feel panicky, so now not taking it.
Feel absolutely awful. No energy. Legs feel like lead, can't stop shaking and shivering. No appetite and I'm losing weight, people keep commenting I look really thin. Keep going hot and cold and woke up in the night feeling clammy.
Went to Doctors today and ended up crying I feel so ill. She sent me for blood tests.
Serotonin syndrome can cause these symptoms I think. My bowel is making noises and I am on 2 X prozac per day plus just started herbal medicine as an alternative to HRT.
Why am I exhausted and tired and why do I get shooting pains in my head. Am so scared.

08-11-10, 17:09
I am no expert but having a hysterectomy makes you go through the menopause which is why you are given HRT. All your symptoms are that of the menopause. I think it's trial and error finding something that suits you. The symptoms will be more dramatic I would imagine as it has been forced on your body all of a sudden, rather than your body winding down IYKWIM.

08-11-10, 17:23
Sounds like menopause symptoms to me. Panic and anxiety can be a side effect of it as your hormones aren't in balance yet. Keep going to the doctors until you find a medication that can help you.

08-11-10, 17:40
How is seretonin syndrome treated?
Just stopping of ssris?