View Full Version : Sudden Cardiac Arrest Syndrome

08-11-10, 18:48
Does anybody else have an obsession with this, I feel like my hearts just gonna stop all the time.. im paranoid about it all day long!!! The feeling is THAT strong I've had to fone 999 3 times!! Every niggle or pain i get, or if i feel sick or hungry.. it's that xxx I hate it! xxx

08-11-10, 21:17
I'm obsessed that my heart is going to stop too, sometimes it goes so crazy as if it's forgot how to beat i think it's just gonna blow...

I was in hospital on friday overnight had 2 ecg's and a chest xray, i wouldn't have gone to hospital but my doc sent me, of course i panicked even more 4 docs told me it was just anxiety but i'm having palps no and they're making me nervous as if it's going to stop, why can't i get the reasurrance of the docs into my head it's awful and your not alone x x

09-11-10, 09:14
Do you mean Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome? I know sudden cardiac arrest does happen but I'm not sure if it's a syndrome. Cardiac arrest doesn't just happen to healthy people with no underlying cause although it does appear that way in certain media coverage.

Most cardiac arrest cases are caused by heart disease and other causes are from rare conditions such as Long qt syndrome, or Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy which causes the heart to beat abnormally, rarely resulting in Sudden death.

I worry about my heart too, and have had hundreds of conversations with doctors about this condition. If you ahve had an ECG done and it has had a normal result then you have practically ruled out any chance of having one of these rare conditions as they 99% of the time would present themselves on an ECG.

Please try no to worry about something that won't happen. :)

Natalie x
09-11-10, 11:48
Hi Amy. I too have had the same worry as you do. If you have a look through my previous threads, you will see my worries over my heart. You are not alone and they are only worries and sensations. Hope you feel better soon x

Rach J
09-11-10, 16:24
I think about it all the time. If I feel so much as a slight twinge anywhere near my chest or my left arm, I end up flying into a blind panic. This was the cause of a really bad panic attack for me last week.

09-11-10, 19:22
Hi, yes, i have had an ECG before.. Everything came back fine!! I dont understand why I have this obsession. Its scaring the living s**t outta me!! Its horrible.. im constantly waitin for something to happen.. Does anyody get horrible tightenings in your chest? Not painful but it makes you wanna burp, kinda like ur chest is contracting?? Thanks to all of you for your replies.. Re-assurance is all i'm needing at the moment. Thanks again xx