View Full Version : early pregnancy please help

08-11-10, 20:30
Hi i have just found out that i am pregnant only very early about 4 weeks but i am so scared i have had 3 miscarriages (Have got one daughter she is my world) so i just think i am going to miscarry again or worse have a eptopic pregnancy i have got stomach ache very much like period pain but cause i am worrying about it it is making it worse i am so scared i cant relax my husband keeps saying that i am making it worse by worrying and i no i am but i cant help it i am going to the docs tomorrow can any body help i also just feel a bit tired sicky and a bit off please help xx

08-11-10, 20:38
Hi toria.

I'm not surprised you're worried after 3 miscarriages hun but try your hardest not to fear the worst.

It is common in early pregnancy to have random low down tummy aches and other slightly unpleasant sensations..I'm sure your well meaning hubby telling you not to worry is making it ten times worse.

Maybe the doctor will arrange for you to go for an early scan, I'm not sure how these things work but I do hope that your doctors visit goes well and that you are ok.

Please post and let us know? :flowers:

08-11-10, 20:41
It's really common to get cramping so early on because it's the baby attaching itself and getting settled in so to speak. Remember feeling I'll and sickly is a very good sign all is well. Good luck and please try to relax. Just because you have been unfortunate in the past does not mean this will go the same way. Most babies that are lost so early are so because they have problems which mean they would not survive on the outside world. So important to relax and stay as calm as you can x

08-11-10, 20:50
Thanks for your replys they mean alot i no the cramps are part of it but it is nice when others put your mind at rest i just think the worst i hope they do organise a early scan thanks again x

09-11-10, 08:56
hi try not to worry i had a miscarriage a cpl of years back, and now im 36 weeks pregnant, i know its hard not to worry about it happening again but im sure everything will be fine for you they will im sure scan you early good luck

09-11-10, 20:00
I went to docs today he was ok but said i have to carry on as normal and just to relax and try not to worry easier said than done the ache in stomach is not as bad today just keep getting aches and pains in general in stomach and pelvis area i get very tense shoulders as i hold myself very tense i keep worring about eptopic pregnancy i am just really anxious about my health i dont know about a early scan the doc said they dont send you but i am suppose to be getting a call from the midwife to arrange a app with her i am going to ask her about it when she rings i really just want to relax and enjoy it but i cant so scared xx

09-11-10, 20:08
I am sorry for your losses, but congratulations on your pregnancy! I had a miscarrariage last year, so I understand your fears.

But, look forward, not behind. Be optimisitc and try not to stress.

09-11-10, 22:57
Sorry i no i am worrying again but the period like pains are back again after they did ease right off and i feel quite sick is it normal for these pains to come and go they are middle of stomach round belly button area and a little bit in pelvic area if anyone has any advice would be helpful thanks xx

09-11-10, 23:21
please has anyone got any advice really scared,

Going home
10-11-10, 00:28
Hi toria, it might be better to call the out of hours helpline and ask what they think? In view of your history of miscarriages they would probably know best what to do.

Anna xx