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08-11-10, 20:58
Hi my name is christine. I have only just started to have panic attacks after seperating from my husband. They happen nearly every where I go, feel such a fool! I'm actually beleive it or not a really fun, bubbly person, but they are preventing me from getting on with the rest of my life. I'm also too embarrassed to talk to the doctor. Trying to be positive!!

08-11-10, 21:00
I have no idea how to use this web site?

08-11-10, 21:01
Hi christine01

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
08-11-10, 21:02
Hi Chrisine, welcome aboard, its nice to meet you x:welcome:

08-11-10, 21:14
Hi christine01,
:welcome: to NMP!
“I have no idea how to use this web site?”

You seem to be doing just fine :winks:

It’s quite common for a person to start experiencing panic attacks after a particularly stressful time, and separating is undoubtedly stressful. So it does make sense.

Have a good read of the forum, and the links on the left – there’s a wealth of info there.

Take care :)

08-11-10, 21:15
Hi Christine

I know how you feel about visiting the doctor but I think it would be a good idea, especially since you say the panic is interfering with your life. Don't be embarrassed and certainly don't feel foolish. You've obviously been through a tough time and your GP could always refer you for some talking therapy which may help.

Welcome to NMP and hope you feel better soon.

08-11-10, 22:04
Hi, thanks all for your support! I will see my doctor as soon as I can because I'm getting worse and it's really scary, I just don't want them to look down on me.:weep: Do you know it's really funny but people have told me how confident they think i am, not that I go round talking about my anxiety problems, maybe that's the probelm, but then I don't want people thinking I'm a nutter when I'm not ( I hope)! I just want them to go away!!

08-11-10, 22:22
hi christine,

welcome to NMP. you will get loads of support from everyone here, i suffer from my anxiety, which was caused by a number of problems happening in my life. i was also worried about going to the doctor but when i did i relised i should have gone a lot sooner, he was very supportive and only wants the best for me. so i wouldnt feel embarrassed about going to your doctor as i am sure they will only want the best for you as well and will be there to support you.

i have only joined this website just over a week ago and the support i have had has been great and has really helped me through my anxiety and i hope it does the same for you.. :hugs:rach xx

08-11-10, 23:28
thanks, I hope they get better at the moment I feel so enclosed. I'm supposed to meet someone for coffee this week and instead of enjoying it I;m dreading it, what if I make a fool of myself? I know I will, but then I'll be myself. It's so weird. I've also been asked to be God parent soon, I just don't think I can do it.... yet what do I say to them.. they will hate me and think I'm a drama queen!

08-11-10, 23:38
Hiya Christine,
sorry to hear about ur breakup, its hard when its so fresh but you can get through it. i know wot u mean about usually being a fun, bubbly person as i am like that often yet underneath it all im a mess.
you should not feel embarressed to go to GP if you feel you need to go then go, there undertsand and support you. seek ehlp if you need tc

09-11-10, 00:20
Welcome to NMP xx

09-11-10, 20:20
thanks, I hope they get better at the moment I feel so enclosed. I'm supposed to meet someone for coffee this week and instead of enjoying it I;m dreading it, what if I make a fool of myself? I know I will, but then I'll be myself. It's so weird. I've also been asked to be God parent soon, I just don't think I can do it.... yet what do I say to them.. they will hate me and think I'm a drama queen!

hi christine,
how did the coffee go with your friend? dont worry about what other people think, no one will think your a drama queen. you need to focus on yourself and try to talk to someone if you can. i still think you should go to your GP and speak to him/her, they will not think anything bad of you its what they are there. and the fact that someone wants you to be god parent to there child just shows how much and how highly somone thinks of you. try to be positive, i no its hard but i just try to keep telling myself that and hope that each day gets better. its tough but we can all do it :yesyes: xxxx

09-11-10, 21:24
Go to the doctor,,I thought I was going mad,,could not understand why I started to panic,,I went 2 weeks after it started,,Ive had bloods taken and more last week,,Im sick all the time and lost a lot of weight,,been sick now for about 6 weeks,,not very day,,but it can last for 3 days in a row,,think thats normal for me now. My doc was very understanding,,got a good husband who understands my fears too. Ive not told other familt members about me as I dont think they would understand and think I was looking for attention,,just hubby and me daughter knows,,son does not as he;s too young

Take care,,get help,,there are loads in the same boat as us xx:hugs: