View Full Version : scary one

08-11-10, 21:59
Hi there any one get this could be having a good day all of a sudden bammm head feel really strange like being pushed down inside. like im going to fall down so i quick stand up panckied heart starts beating hands start shacking reaching for my paper bag to braeth into. makes me feel like theres somthing wrong with my brain then sit and worry once passed i do get ear infections and sinus problems alot wondering if thats the problem .:)

08-11-10, 22:21
Hi Rossi,
I kinda get the same symptoms, and I too suffer ear infections along wae sinus infections, I've had both eardrums burst in the same day due to a fungal infection in both, took an operation to repair the damage.

But ever since I often get those very symptoms you mention, at the moment I have a viral infection rooted deep in my right sinus, seeing ENT about it soon but doc reckons they'll be able to fix it no probs once they know the exact virus/prob.

I find the best thing for recovering is to lay back on a bed (ok I use my recliner that I live on but it's kinda the same) and while laying back flat on my back I put a leg out and touch the floor with my toes, this helps tell my body its proper orientation thus it stop the dizzy nauseous feeling, it works for me & was told to me by a physiotherapist I attended a long time ago, been using it ever since. ;)

And if the head pain, which usually feels like ye mentioned plus it gives a total disorienting feeling with noise in yer head/mind too (not yer ears but inside yer head), persists, a couple of paracetamol have help ease it while laying back. The Paracetamol usually take 20-40mins to work but it depends on yer stomach contents and if ye drank enuf while taking them.

paula lynne
08-11-10, 22:49
Hi Rossi, I hope you feel better soon x:)

08-11-10, 23:36
Hi, I'm christine, I have constant problems with my ears and sinus's. Even now my ears feel blocked, so glad someone else has the same problems! I don't mean that in an awful way.:D

09-11-10, 16:54
I have had that very same thing when I've been in a lift. Like someone is pushing down on the top of your head and you're gonna fall. Very odd and not sure but I presume it's something to do with the ears.