View Full Version : another irrational fear... this time my nose.

08-11-10, 23:33
Ok, so please dont just tell me im stupid, this is really making me fret. About 6 weeks ago, my sense of smell changed. Its not so bad in my right nostril, it seems more in my left. Ive found that most things have a strange kind of eggy chemical smell. My concern is two things... firstly, they say that changes in smell are to do with your brain... and not your nose. Unless of course its some kind of obstruction but my breathing through my nose is perfectly fine. My other concern is my right nostril. I suffer from extremely bad dust allergies... meaning when i have my allergies flare up, which can vary from 3 times a day to once a week, I uncontrollably rub my nose. I pretty much live on antihistimines. I get through tonnes of loo roll from blowing my nose... so anyway, about a week ago, i was prodding about and my health anxiety got the better of me, and i poked about with my finger to reassure myself there was no obstruction... Whilst doing this, I noticed the cartiledge on the right side of my nose is way thicker than that on the left. So naturally, being a psycho when it comes to health anxiety flare ups, my inner monologue is trying to convince me I either have a brain tumour or some form of nasal cancer. Why else would my smell be affected for so long? I dont know much about the sense of smell, but I do know that I really need someone to tell me that Im being irrational by relating some kind of a similar experience.... can anyone help?

cook ie
09-11-10, 00:13

I have a much bigger cartilage in one nostril. I also suffer from allergies and my sense of smell is awful. Try not to worry, I've seen 2 dr's about it and its nothing to worry about. It may have been caused by falling over or hitting your nose in the wrong place (maybe when you were young).

Hope that helps x

09-11-10, 00:18
do you get a weird smell from stuff? through my left nostril, catfood smells the same as bacon? its like a weird sorta yeasty smell with a slight smell of amonia... what allergies do you have? I wondered if i might have damaged something in my nose from rubbing it too much. Could that be the case?