View Full Version : Hate this

08-11-10, 23:39
I'm not sure if I went through another anxiety attack but I never got that fear feeling which is nice, but I did all of a sudden started to feel sick to my tummy, once that passed I felt like my sugar dropped (reading was fine) and then became so very hungry, I still feel drained after eating but these after effects are torturous assuming it was an anxiety attack.

Thanks for listening


08-11-10, 23:54
Hi Estranged,

How's yer fluid level feel?

Ye feeling thirsty a lot?

Were ye sweating much during the attack?

I find I sweat terribly during an attack and even tho it may not seem a lot yer body can seriously miss the fluids & give ye signs like ye've mentioned, it does to me & I know I need to make that extra cuppa or just have a glass of water.

09-11-10, 00:17
Hi, I actually wasn't sweating but yup I forgot to mention I was very thirsty after this happening.

09-11-10, 02:36
I think it's like Fear, when we feel fear at its strongest our bodies tend to suck the fluids from the outer areas to the centre, maybe as in some preparation of a bowl movement who knows, after all the phrase 's**ting themselves' is indeed a fact from older times so maybe it's a reflex of the body to withdraw water in that way but it sure hurts being dehydrated afterwards, especially thru the anx attack way. :weep:

It sounds like it was an anx attack ye had, if ye get another think of water first before food, ye may find that hunger for food feeling go away, I know I drink loads of fluids, coz the anx & the meds dry me up too much and after I drink I don't feel so hungry at the time.

It wud explain why ye still felt drained after eating, I find I'm almost to the point of exhaustion if my fluids are too low.

Take care & be safe.

09-11-10, 09:28
Did you feel hot like around the back of your neck and shoulders and sweat? This was definitely an anxiety attack if so!

09-11-10, 14:09
I actually didn't have to symptoms , it's almost like mine have reduced to mild attacks (mild if that even fits an attack) lol but the sweating and burning has not ever happened to me as a symptom, neither has being tight chested, but the symptoms I get are still scary enough and all fit anxiety/panic.
