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View Full Version : Dr Claire Weekes - The hole

paula lynne
09-11-10, 00:04
Ive been reading Dr Weekes for over a month now, and its really starting to sink in, and aid my recovery. This is a little story that was written in honour of Dr Weekes :)


An anxiety sufferer fell down a very deep hole.
A rich man walked by, heared his cries for help, and threw some money down the hole.

Next, a doctor passed by and hearing his cries for help, told the sufferer he would arrange for him to see a pyschiatrist, and left.
The sufferer was still in the hole.

The pyschiatrist arrived, asked a few questions, threw some pills down the hole, and left.

Next, a counsellor passed by. He asked the sufferer lots of questions about his past, and left. The sufferer was still stuck in the hole.

A priest walked by, and hearing the sufferers cries, got on his knees and prayed. He threw a bible into the hole, and left. The sufferer was very grateful, and read the whole thing. But he was still trapped down the hole.

The sufferers familly finally found him, suggested he pull his socks up, and get out of the hole. The sufferer pulled his socks up, but was still stuck in the hole.

Finally, a person who had recovered through the teachings of Dr Claire Weekes walked by, and upon hearing the sufferers cries, jumped into the hole with him.

"WHAT are you doing?!!" cried the sufferer..."Now were BOTH stuck down here!"
To which the recovered person replied "Its all right..Ive been here before. I know the way out"


09-11-10, 00:08
that is sooooo true well done
- it is great feeling when you begin to understand.

paula lynne
09-11-10, 00:10
Thanks June!:) Really touched a chord with me reading it, I just wanted to share with you all x:hugs:

09-11-10, 10:05

09-11-10, 10:50
Hi , Thanx 4 "The Hole story" Fab
Take Care

09-11-10, 11:28
brilliant :D:hugs: thankyou for posting xx

09-11-10, 14:41
loved this. which book are your reading? i think its time i invested in some dr weekes. x

09-11-10, 15:51
Just fantastic Paula xx

09-11-10, 16:24
Paula I love that story and its soooo true xx

paula lynne
09-11-10, 20:12
Hi Allergyphobia, Im reading a battered 2nd edition of Self-Help for your nerves. Its from 1963 or something! I know the new reprint has a pink cover now, I think there is a flower on the front. Hope it helps you x:D

09-11-10, 20:29
thanks for posting love it:D

paula lynne
10-11-10, 10:23
Thank you Shaka x:) Its nice to share something positive x

Veronica H
10-11-10, 11:59
:bighug1:thanks Paula. Really good. Lets hear it for the great Dr:notworthy: she saved my life too, along with the information and support here.


10-11-10, 12:22
Yes its great is that. I could not recommend Claire Weekes enough. I think she is a total and complete godsend and I wish I had known of her when I started with anxiety/panic/agoraphobia when I was 19 years old, 34 years ago!!! She would have saved me from a complete nightmare!


purple to black
10-11-10, 12:38
That was so nice to read, i had never heard of her until i came on this site. What are the best ones to read?


paula lynne
10-11-10, 12:46
Hi purple to black, Im reading "Self-help for your nerves"...some bits oldfashioned, like recommending ect, and tranq use, but about 95% still excellent I feel x Also available on cd. x:)

purple to black
10-11-10, 12:48
Thanks Paula :) x

10-11-10, 13:06
:hugs:i have 2 books "self help with your nerves" And "Essential help for your nerves"
If i had to say which was best i would go for Essential help - it has a good index and you can usualy pinpoint your fear:blush:
I have said many times before my book has doubled in size due to the 'post it notes' that mark MY essential info. ( i am sure this book is in NMP shop):yesyes:
Best wishes
ps this is in NMP shop £6-99

12-11-10, 13:15
Hi purple to black, Im reading "Self-help for your nerves"...some bits oldfashioned, like recommending ect, and tranq use, but about 95% still excellent I feel x Also available on cd. x:)

I got this book a few days ago, have started to read it. Yes, some of it is old fashioned but it was like it was written for me!

paula lynne
12-11-10, 13:23
Oh Heavely thats great, Im so glad its helping you xxx:D

17-11-10, 11:54

it's on my wishlist!

17-11-10, 13:47
i was in a charity shop at the wkend with my hubby, and saw self help for your nerves, dr claire weekes and immediatley recognised its name thanks to this site :yesyes: bought it for £1.99 bargain! lets hope it helps me :D

18-11-10, 10:19
That is a bargain jo!!!!
8 quid i paid lol , worth every penny though :) xx

margaret jones
18-11-10, 10:22
Paula that is a great and very true story thanks xxx

18-11-10, 10:24
That is a bargain jo!!!!
8 quid i paid lol , worth every penny though :) xx

yeah i thought that munkey :) there was 2, one looked like an updated version so i got that one, they look quite old fashioned dont they?
but im looking forward to reading it xxx

24-11-10, 11:44
Wow I love this post. May give the book a go :)

24-11-10, 12:09