View Full Version : Falling into a weird 'zone' when trying to get to sleep

09-11-10, 09:43

Does anyone else get trapped in a weird state sometimes when they are trying to get to sleep? It happened to me right at the start of my panic/anxiety a few years back and I am normally ok but it happened again last night.

Its like I start subconciously panicking that something is wrong and I can tell myself that I am 'dreaming' but I can't snap myself out of it?

It sounds all very weird lol - I don't know if I am explaining it properly or not?

09-11-10, 10:57
Do you get any physical symptoms at this time??

09-11-10, 11:06
Yes sometimes I do - though not all the time. Sometimes its just thoughts, other times a mixture of both.

I know I used to gasp a lot and startle myself. But last night was just weird thoughts, and thinking there was something wrong with me.

Rach J
09-11-10, 16:08
I experience something very similar but the difference with me is that when it happens, I feel as if I'm falling or about to stop breathing and I somehow manage to wake myself up, albeit, with a start.

09-11-10, 20:19
I get this AND I wake up through the night and in the morning, and I immediately think of the thing that worries me. Or worse, I DREAM about the things that worry me. Which sometimes makes me think my subconcious is trying to tell me something.


10-11-10, 11:58
Thanks everyone

10-11-10, 14:38
This is called the hypnagogic state and is completely normal. Read up on it, its harmless. I find it quite fun! Like dreaming when you know you are still in your bed.

10-11-10, 16:24
I get this also, its only been recent after a bad bout of anxiety. Just as I go to sleep I start getting shaky, trembly, pins and needles and random thoughts in my head like im hallucinating but my eyes are closed. I also get jolts and muscle spasms. It takes me a while to get to sleep but I use lavendar oil now on my pillow and try and breathe and relax.xxx

11-11-10, 18:24
Yes I see faces and they morph and change into other faces. Its wierd. Its exactly in the middle of halucination and imagination isn't it!