View Full Version : Controlling the PAs!!!

15-03-06, 13:36
hiya everyone
it's me.....
just thought id post some good news for once!!! (theyr is some bad though [V] )

I can control my panick attacks better!!!!!! I take deep breaths and think about them a lot more...so theyv got a lot shorter!!! I still get really dizzy and collapse, hyperventilate etc...but im much more in control!!! I think it has just come with practice!! :) so YAY !! I'm now in control of them!!! In fact some times i find they let me vent off when im reli distressed....strange i know...

Though with this comes bad news...my anorexia is worse.

Iv started on this eating plan for home..but i dont like it..its way too much!!! so i refuse some of it - i know thats bad.

But i dropped way too much w8, temperature, bp and pulse last friday before i started the plan on monday, so i got an emergancy referral to the paedeatric unit at the general hospital yesterday...cause theyre worried my body is shutting down and that im going to suffer from heart failure if i dnt get better soon .

Luckily my obs were up and safe cs of the 3 days of increaesed eating .I had to have blood tests (!!!!!they cldnt find viens so had to make several attempts and i had a pa cs i hate needles) to check my salt levels- potassium is still a bit low so i am on supplements.

I saw the physciatric team at the hospital too....the woman was quite nice but im tired of having to tell everyone evrything over and over again! [|)]

Even though they said they see barely any people with eds so i am a really bad sufferer to be there i still feel like im not bad...denial i suppose.

Cause the obs were up i got discharged after spending the day there...but if they arnt up and w8 still isnt this friday ( also havin anoda blood test!! AAHHH) then im straight back into the general to stay and be stabalised.[V]

Im not allowed in school at the mo...an no physical exertion. im sorta glad iv had the work load lifted though- this means less stress an PAs.

Im probs gonna be referred to the ed unit of the specialist place...not unless i majorly improve or get so bad general is the only option for before.

Every thing is hanging in te balance on friday. :(
Hope your all ok ;)...sorry for the long message.



15-03-06, 15:27
Hi there

I too have been suffering from anorexia and I came fairly close to being admitted to hospital on several occasions last year.

However, my weight is now up and I attend a specialist unit 3 days a week for treatment. It's early days for me yet and I can't say I am happy to be at this weight or size but I know this is part of my illness.

I realise how difficult it is to eat when it really is the last thing you want to do and when I was at my worst nothing anyone said made the slightest bit of difference as I still wouldn't eat. I also did not think I was that ill or underweght either.

I hope you are able to take in what nutrition you can and that the tests are ok on Friday. I hope you get the referral to the specialist EDU too.

It is a long hard road to come back from this illness but people do recover and you can get there.

I wish you the best of luck.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

15-03-06, 18:37
Well done on controlling the panic attacks - fab news.

Sorry to hear about the anorexia and I hope things work out ok for you soon.


15-03-06, 23:14
Taking control of one problem at a time is the only way forward. You have done really well with the panic attacks and i am sure with your determined nature you will get through this anorexia too. It wont be easy but can see just by reading your post that you are a very positive person and wont give in.

Best of luck and we are all here to support you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

16-03-06, 02:28
hi cray,

good to read that your learning how to cope with your anxiety better and you sound more positive than last time you posted.

try and eat as much as you can, whenever you can. hope everything goes well for you on friday, altho i dont think you wrote what you wanted to happen. maybe something good might come out of all this and you will get the support you need to overcome your anorexia.

keep it positive, you take care .. andrew