View Full Version : Head in a cloud

09-11-10, 13:48
Just wondered if anybody's had these symptoms before?

*Feeling frozen, glued, stuck in a moment.
*Feeling like a fixed focus camera and staring at a computer screen.
*Feeling you can't take in the tv and computer at once and find your head is switching between the two.
*Blurry/Hazy, dull vision.
*In a daze, just focusing on one thought again staring into nothing in a dream, fog way...
*Poor concentration.
*When looking out blinds feel it's like moving if you move your eyes up and down it feels like weird..

Could these be symptoms of depersonalization or anxiety? I've had them about a week? :blush:

09-11-10, 15:14
Hello there, phil06 :)
These symptoms are all a part of despersonalization. It's awful, but it will probably fade away with time! And sometimes, despersonalization is connected with anxiety; so maybe you should try to relax, and after a while it'll go away. :D

I hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

09-11-10, 15:44
It could be depersonilization and anxiety but it could also be depression, probably a mixture of both.

09-11-10, 21:35
I get this quite alot, especially if I'm just sat/stood alone and it's quiet. I almost enjoy it, it's quite peaceful being lost in a world of your own.