View Full Version : Their is light at the end of the tunnel :)

09-11-10, 15:08
Just stick in their, take your medications. Get through CBT and change your way of thinking :)

I have suffered panic attacks/anxiety for the past 8 months now. The help i received has been a god send considering i was almost to the point where i would rather just be dead than feel like dying.

After a few session of CBT i am a much better person. My anxiety isnt as severe although it is still their but i have learned how to control it. I have realised that it isnt all doom and gloom and im not going to die. I have been down the same road before with each panic attack and no death came of it.

It takes a while to wrap your head around things but you will get their people.

A happy mind is a healthy mind and with the right help and medication this can be acheived.

Please dont dwell on your anxiety to much. It makes it much worse.

You will get through this.

Some will take longer than others.

Chin up peeps.



09-11-10, 15:32
i really needed to hear this today, i just got given some medication and referred for CBT. i really hope it helps.

margaret jones
09-11-10, 15:40
Well done Claire like you I am getting there with the help of counselling ( i chose not to take meds ) and logging in to NMP AND GETTING GOOD ADVICE XX

09-11-10, 15:44
Good for you Claire - you've done brilliantly x

09-11-10, 16:12
I had therapy 3 years ago when I was about 18 but feel my problems have changed growing up as an adult with continued panic and developing OCD so I'm going back to a counsellor hopefully it can help me too.

09-11-10, 16:22
nice to hear, have had mine for 67 mnths now, worst thing is my snowy flickery vision and tinitus and shaky feeling did you have or have these and do they get better?

09-11-10, 16:22
oops meant 6 to 7 months

09-11-10, 18:09
I got the shakey feeling followed by full on tremours. I have since taken beta blockers for that which has stopped it completely. Havnt had the tinitus and flickery vision tho. Half inderella helped me stop the tremours altogether.

Good to see you are all doing something about anxiety/panic attacks. They are very scary untill you understand and learn how to cope with them :) It takes alot of willingness to get through it. I still have the stupid pulse checking behaviour but it dosnt trigger attacks anymore. It's weird. Just need to shift that then see what happens.


How are you without the medication? I dont know what the hell i would of done without it. Much respect.

Ayame, The meds will take a few weeks to kick in so hold on in their in the meantime :)

I hope everything goes well for you phil. It must be hard mentally and physically to relapse after so long.


09-11-10, 23:59
Well done - sometimes it can feel as though someone has turned off the bloody light at the end of the tunnel. :)

I'm having CBT at the moment, but am not on any medication as I didn't want them this time. I've tried medication before and it's worked very well, but I feel that I need to treat the cause as well as the symptoms.

10-11-10, 00:13
well done you! :yesyes:

10-11-10, 09:11
I have been suffering for around 3 months. Still trying to get my head round it all, my life has completely changed. I just want the old me back that wasn't anxious all the time. Am seeing a counsellor who is doing CBT and general talking counselling with me. I was put on Citalopram a couple of weeks ago and the side effects are pretty bad, wake really early, cannot get back to sleep, stomach churning, skin really hot and no appetite. Not a great start to each day. Seeing the GP in the morning, just need her to tell me its a side effect and it will pass! I need some light at the end of the tunnel, pretty please! x