View Full Version : dizzy, felt like floor moving

09-11-10, 15:12
Hi everyone
I am off sick with shivers and shakes and doctor think it's hormonal since I recently had a full hysterectomy, prescribed HRt but stopped taking it as it gave me awful headaches and paranoia and panic attacks.
They gave me propanalol this morning to try and came me down, also a new hRT to try.
I have been in bed for 2 days but just go up to clean my teeth and when I was leaning over the bowl I went all dizzy and it felt like I was on a boat. Is this worrying?

09-11-10, 16:52
Not worrying if you've been in bed for a couple of days no. Your body would be used to being relaxed and not doing much so the extra effort would make you feel weak. Once you're up and about and doing stuff again you should feel stronger.

The only thing is that I am pretty sure propanalol is for blood pressure? And if you didn't have high blood pressure in the first place it could make it a little low? Just keep an eye out and if you still feel bad then speak to your Dr about perhaps giving you something else?

Diazapam in very small doses is really good for relaxing the panic.

Kerry B
09-11-10, 22:18
Hi I dont want to worry you but i was on Propanalol 40mg for panic attacks and they caused me to be constantly dizzy and I had head rushes where i couldnt look up or bowe my head down. I was told it was causing me to have low blood pressure. But I still get the dizzy which is all part of anxiety but its so scarey xxxx