View Full Version : can anyone understand this?

09-11-10, 15:38
I have suffered from anxiety and depression for 10 years now. i have had good spells and bad spells.... this is difficult to explain but in the 10 years even through good spells i have never ever just felt 'normal'... when i look out at the world i never see it through a 'normal' persons eyes it just always looks weird.. and its not my eyes! and i dont mean depersonilisation either.... its almost like never focusing on anything. almost like not seeing the wood for the tree's but constantly? i always wonder what the world looks like through non-anxiety sufferers eyes! i dont know if any of this makes sense! xxx

09-11-10, 15:50
Makes perfect sence to me. Ive had anxiety for a long time too and i often wish i could be someone else for a day to see what life without anxiety feels like and whether they are seeing what i see and feel the way i do.

09-11-10, 15:53
thanks baileys :) i thought it was just me! xx

09-11-10, 16:03
Hi, I definitley understand -I've been like that for all my adult life-but have only just realised it's not just my personality and it is actually 'something'!

Rach J
09-11-10, 16:03
Hey, new to the site but what you've said makes absolute sense to me. I constantly see the world as something to worry about. If I haven't got something to worry about, I'll even worry that I haven't got something to worry about, hope that makes sense!


09-11-10, 16:31
it all makes sense to me rach ! yer gaaron i used to think it was just my personality as well..... !

09-11-10, 18:02
Definitley!! When i go out im always looking at other people wondering what its like to feel anxiety free and "normal" x

11-11-10, 06:25
i have never ever just felt 'normal'

What's "normal"?:shrug: A person who doesn't suffer from anxiety?:shrug:

I should think a blind person must wonder what a "normal" seeing person sees or a deaf person must wonder what a "normal" hearing person hears or a disabled person must wonder what it's like for a "normal" person to walk but......

We're ALL normal because we ALL have our OWN problems to deal with whether they're physical or mental so there's really no point in worrying about "feeling normal" because you already ARE!:winks:

Think instead about why you suffer from anxiety. You're sensitive which means you're caring. You worry which means you worry about others too. You lack confidence which means you have empathy towards others which will mean you're compassionate as well.

It's not what we suffer from that matters...it's WHO we are inside that counts.

You're right though:winks: and you're right to worry:unsure: because you're Definitely NOT normal!:whistles:.....because...

....You're Special!:hugs:

11-11-10, 06:38
I totally understand!!! I too am always worrying about my health. even whenim out, its on my mind constantly. i look around seeing people having fun, and think, how nice it would be to feel normal. i have taken my kids out for some days to a theme park lately, i pretend im enjoying myself, but deep down, im obsessing over my heart palps!!! why me??? if its not the palps its cancer or that my kids have a medial condition. I look at my friends, wishing that one day i will be like them!! its affecting everything. my partner just thinks im crazy

11-11-10, 06:50
Too much stress causes palps because of the excess adrenalin being produced and the palps then cause added stress by making you worry about your health. Sadly, an unsympathetic partner doesn't help because then you feel even more stressed because you feel you have no one to turn to who understands!

If he was more supportive and helped to ease your concerns, you'd feel less stressed which would mean your palps would lessen causing you to worry less and he'd then have a happier and more contented partner.:hugs:

11-11-10, 17:15
thanks bill:) anxiety is always there eh i dont suffer with health anxiety but my partner thinks am crazy too katielou!!!! i just constantly suffer with the symptoms...at the min its the head tension and stuff its like my brain hurts and i cant think straight !!!(but it changes all the time u just get rid of 1 symptom and another pops up) i hate it all these things just take joy out of life to bust focusing on these things to enjoy anything....:( xx

12-11-10, 17:23
i know!! im focusing on these papls 24/7. no wonder they dont go!!! im not enjoying anything either, its so hard xx