View Full Version : Hi I am Gwen

09-11-10, 17:37
Hi my name is Gwen . I suffer from fibromyalgia so I have a lot of anxiety and many panic attacks. They can be so bad that I feel I am going to die. I am fighting to keep hold of my Job as I have to take time out a lot when I have fibro attacks, which confine me to bed because of the pain.
I love cats and drawing and painting ( when I can ) love music , Indian take away and the odd glass of red wine , when I am not on the meds. If I am ill spend most of the day resting or watching films. Anyway that's a bit about me.
Gwen :)

09-11-10, 17:39
Hi Gwenmoon

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

margaret jones
09-11-10, 18:08
Gwen :welcome: to NMP this is a great site and i am sure you will meet lots of lovely people anf get lots of help and advice

paula lynne
09-11-10, 20:05
Hi Gwen welcome aboard, nice to know you x:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
09-11-10, 20:31
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x