View Full Version : Really low today :-(

09-11-10, 17:52
I'm feeling soo low today. Went to the chemist to get my prescription and nearly burst into tears. I've never felt so low x

Hazel B
09-11-10, 17:55
Sorry to hear this, I hope it passes soon.


margaret jones
09-11-10, 18:09
H26 whats up hun ?? hope you soon feel better take care xxx

09-11-10, 18:58
i cant see the way round things x

09-11-10, 19:16
Maybe just accept that today was a rubbish day, but tomorrow might not be! It could be great!!! xx

09-11-10, 19:25
Hi Hayley

...but you did go to the chemist and you did get your prescription. That deserves a pat on the back in my book :winks:

Perhaps if you could post a bit about what the problem is, others might be able to offer a little advice.

Hope you feel better soon :)

09-11-10, 20:23
I'm really scared and feel really hurt. My work have totally messed me up. My manager even called me mental. X

09-11-10, 20:36
Why do people like to play around with my emotions. I'm so fed up of being hurt. I don't deserve it.

09-11-10, 20:49
Managers do that. He/she’s probably having a bad day too, but that’s no excuse for name calling. Call him/her some names back – not to their face obviously – but to yourself. Or go and stick a few more pins in their effigy :winks:

Did you read that story I posted the link to the other day?
Don’t let the spots stick Hayley :winks:

Take care,

09-11-10, 20:52
:hugs:Im sorry you are feeling low, hope you feel better soon.:)

09-11-10, 21:03
Feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown x

09-11-10, 21:09
Am completely losing control x

10-11-10, 15:30
how are you feeling today hun any better? huge hugs for you. xx

11-11-10, 07:30
hello, new to this site not really sure where to start