View Full Version : pressure in chest

15-03-06, 15:19
Hi, I made a short post about this before, but its now coming on in the daytime, not just when I'm in bed - its like a pressure feeling in my chest, usually in the right or the middle, like theres a big bubble inside my chest. Its not like indigestion. It came on me today after I had a big shock, my 9 year old was attcked in class by a parent. I also find I wheeze when I breathe out - GP said 2 weeks ago that it must be a cough coming on, but coughs dont give you pressure in the chest do they?

Anxiety Is Evil

15-03-06, 15:27
hi ther i have had wat u describe many times.i think its due to hypervantilating even if you dont realise u are.especially if u had a shock like u did.it is a very common anxiety symptom. marciaxx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx