View Full Version : New here, so hello all . . .

The Great God Pan
09-11-10, 20:50
I just came across this site by chance and signed up straight away. I've battled with anxiety most of my life and with depression for some of my adult life - it comes and goes, along with a few phobias. I hope I can find some shared experiences here. I think it's safe to say I have a lot of anxiety issues, I went to my doctor and was refered for CBT but I have to conclude it was a bit of a sham as the therepist was a trainee and some weeks she forgot my issues and circumstances and I feel she wasn't really up to the job - plus that didn't do much for trust or respect. That's a longer story though, so for now I'll just say hello to you all.

09-11-10, 20:51
Hi The Great God Pan

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
09-11-10, 22:33
Welcome aboard x nice to know you x:welcome:

margaret jones
09-11-10, 22:37
:welcome:to this great site xx

Kerry B
09-11-10, 22:39
Welcome to NMP, you will no longer been alone. All the Best Kerry x

Smile :)
09-11-10, 22:51
Welcome Kerry :) this site with offer loads of comfort xxx

09-11-10, 22:58
Welcome to the site x

10-11-10, 08:53
Welcome to the forum, Im glad you found us.:)

The Great God Pan
10-11-10, 11:06
thanks for the warm welcome everyone :)

12-11-10, 17:59
:welcome: to the forum xxx