View Full Version : chronic constipation

09-11-10, 21:14
I have had chronic constipation for 3 weeks now. It is accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating and nausea. My doctor suggested IBS- But i was under the impression the symptoms come and go (constipation) but I have had no regular bowel movement for 3 weeks without the use of laxatives. I have completely lost my appetite and have lost about 4lb within the 3 weeks. I am not happy with my diagnosis
I have had HA for 3 years and 2years ago I had an xray on my abdomen so If I had bowel cancer would it of been evident here that long ago? I am also experiencing excessive thirst, frequent urination, lots of nausea and weight loss. I havent noticed any obvious blood yet in my stools. I did notice that the constipation was severely worse at the time of my period which suggests something hormonal. As I had my blood tested in january this year the doc doesnt want to test again but that was nearly a year ago-can i keep pestering for a hormonal test. Or should i push for a colonoscopy. I am 26 and mother of 2 lovely children. Thanks for reading

09-11-10, 21:25
4lb is not too much to lose over three weeks. its not a significant loss.

09-11-10, 22:11
If you are not eating then there won't be anything to come out to be honest!

10-11-10, 05:08
What is your lifestyle? Maybe you should focus on bowel health. Eat more insoluble fiber. I eat Wheat Bran cereal and it flushes me out every morning. Also eat apples, whole wheat products, fiberous veggies. Exercise and drink plenty of fluids. Also avoid processed foods. Sometimes even fasting in the morning helps me go.

I also get badly constipated around my period. I read somewhere that it is directly related to the menstral cycle.

10-11-10, 10:14
I am only slim anyway so it is obvious i have lost weight and if I lose another 4lb in the next coming 3 weeks I will look awful. I have a healthy lifestyle in term of going to gym and my fruit and water intake. I do smoke and occasionally drink. I had a laxative last night, it worked but I still had to strain. People seem to have occasional constipation not persistent like this which is why i feel there is something wrong. Anyone with Irritable bowel with similar experience