View Full Version : Best session of counselling!!!

09-11-10, 21:46
So today i had a session with the therapist, it went so well!!

Three weeks ago when i first went i did a score chart thingymajiggy, i scored 68% which is very high and means im mentally not well.

in the past three weeks i have read a book called 'feel the fear and do it anyway' by susan jeffers, its helped me immensly. completely changed my way of thinking.

I was originally referred due to the fact i lost 2 friends within 9 months of eachother, my gp thought this was the biggest cause of my anxiety, the counsellor dug a bit deeper and i realised its the lack of relationship ive had with my mother, you see thats a loss also. works in strange ways doesnt it??
ive changed the way i see this relationship, im an over fuctioner so im steeping back to see if she makes an effort with me.

so back to it, today i did the chart again, i scored 17!!! 0-20 is considered mentally well. i do have another session in 4 weeks to see how i am, but she was amazed with the progress, something just clicked in me!!

im still going to continue with my citalopram for a while, perhaps do another few months on this.

everyone should read the book i mentioned and seek counselling, ive coped with the loss of my two friends better than i could have imagined, i thought my world would end when i was told they didnt have long left -- but my life is just beginning again and im trilled, ill always love and miss them and wish i could have fixed them both, but their deaths combined with others things made me ill and stressed and ultimately these things are helping to healme.

janine xx:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

paula lynne
09-11-10, 22:45
Youre doing SO SO well! x:D
I listen to susan jeffers on tape, its ten years old but Im still listening. Even her voice calms me down. A MASSIVE pat on the back to you Janine x:yahoo:

Vanilla Sky
10-11-10, 11:34
Well done Janine ! :hugs:
Paige x

10-11-10, 12:55
Hi Janine,

I really needed to hear something positive today! I am on day 7 of Citalopram but still not able to get to work and small things making me really anxious, I am longing to get back to the person I was but have no idea how. I will buy that book today, as it has helped you.

I am avoiding situations and then hating myself and feel an utter failure. How could I have gone from a confident person to this in such a short time?

I hope you continue to feel well and benefit fron your counselling, I have my initial assessment tomorrow (on the phone - 45 mins) i hope they offer me cbt to get over this crippling anxiety,

:scared15: xxx

18-11-10, 11:31

You will get through it - im not totally back to the person i used to be, and i wont ever be that person again, ill be a much stronger, happier and confident poerson!! and SO WILL YOU!!! ive been on citalopram for almost three months now, keep going with it, it does eventually kick in....promise!!

Would also like to add that since this last poat my mother has not been in contact and i have resisted the urge to contact her, because if i do i will be shifting the responsiblity back to me and its a 2 way relationship so im still going to wait til she contacts me.

love to all , janine x x x x

18-11-10, 11:34
and p.s

you didnt get to the state you are in a short time, its been gradually wearing u down, and has just become to much that its now manifested as a problem because it need to be sorted.

i believe that when you start having panic attacks and anxiety gets outta control you are on your way to recovery....i dont know why but i just believe this.....x

18-11-10, 21:12
Hi Janine

So very happy for you... sounds wonderful and I'm so glad that you have come so far in such a short time. BRILLIANT. You must be feeling so very possitive and proud of yourself:hugs:

You've certainly spurred me on as I got my referal questionaire today and filled it it and rang through with my 'scores'.

I scored 96 out of a possible 140 (I think)... so that's about 75% EEK.... and there was me saying I wasn't stressed or anxious abut anything.:blush::doh: Even the lady laughed (in a nice way of course) when I told her.

After reading your possitive post I can't wait for my next stage now... thanks and good luck x x x x x :hugs: