View Full Version : Panic and Hyperventilating

09-11-10, 23:36
I've been getting alot of hyperventilation attacks lately more so the last few days where I feel dizzy..actually feel I will faint and they last 1 hour+ before I calm down. This leaves me feeling run down, hungry faint..does it mean I will pass out?

I noticed I have drunk 2 litres of fizzy juice today which may not be helping. I just suddenly start hyperventilating and can't seem to relax myself. :ohmy:

10-11-10, 22:25
Hi Phil06.

Those fizzy juices can sometimes have loads of sugar in. I find I have to stay away from them as I have sugar rush symptoms just like you describe.

paula lynne
10-11-10, 22:44
Hi Phil, Rozies right. Fizzy drinks, apart from sugar giving you huge surges in your blood sugar, are also full of caffine, this is going to send adrenaline crazy. Try drinking no sugar/no caffine drinks, this can really help dizzy spells. x