View Full Version : sex and ectopics?

10-11-10, 02:38
Can sex/sexual activities cause ectopics to get worse? It says on the net that they are dangerous if induced by exercise but can I conclude in this case it could be due to breath holding/adrenaline? Please help cos I'm too scared to sleep. :weep:

10-11-10, 08:46
I get ectopics when having sex and after too. It's due to breathing, tensing and adrenaline. Don't worry it's completely normal. I also get them when exercising sometimes. Ectopics are not dangerous in a structurally normal heart. :) x

10-11-10, 09:23
OMG yea, I had this for the first time the other day along with a random chest pain seriously I freaked out really bad (so embarassin) but I survived obviously! I guess it's like Ella said breathing, tensing an adrenaline! x

10-11-10, 10:43
my doctor says it's ok to exercise even though i get heart palps........
I know that just before you reach the "peak" your heart rate and blood pressure go up, but should go down afterwards.
ya it's sucks when anxiety related things start affecting your personal life too!! :(

10-11-10, 12:44
I'm getting really dizzy and lightheaded with it too though which is reallt scaring me :(

10-11-10, 12:45
and my chest is hurting too now

10-11-10, 13:29
Hm, when I get missed beats I don't know what happens, I guess it's kinda of auto panic? As soon as I get the big bang/flutter I get dizzy, I get pain in my left arm and it goes tight, my chest hurts and it's just awful. Is what keeps setting me off the most lately! Can you book a doctors appointment for this week and talk it through with him/her if the missed beats are causing you this amount of stress?

My chest has bin hurting a bit today too. x

10-11-10, 14:13
Sometimes I get lightheaded and dizzy when I get ectopics, as Pokerface said I think it's Auto panic. Definitly go and see your doctor, he/she might be able to give you some reassurance. x :)

10-11-10, 14:52
Phoned the doctor :) the receptionist said either I wait until the 23rd to see her or she is on duty tommorow and can phone me then - so I figure that will be OK. I last had an ECG during an op when I was 15 (I'm now 19) and I presume all was OK then (at least, I think it was an ecg, they attached the things to my chest and that then knocked me out haha!) so I'm hoping I don't have an arrythmia or something bad. Maybe my doctor will give me another ecg or something :S.. I guess all the adrenline rushing round (especially at crucial moments) and the deep breaths etc, things are bound to feel a bit funny.

10-11-10, 16:54
Phoned the "heart helpline" (BHF) and a lovely nurse spoke to me, calmed me down and said to see my GP and ask for an ECG/stress test :) I'm not sooo worried as these only come on during sex, during other forms of exercise. And without being crude I hold my breath during sex - and the times that I don't I end up dizzy. I'm not too worried as they mainly occur when I'm in a flap, after eating or relaxed. And they don't come in rows or with unusual breathlessness or anything, just a bit of light headedness but I guess that's common during sex? Anyways the doctor is ringing me tommorow morns so I guess we'll clear a lot up then :) going out clubbing tonight, slightly scared but determined to have a good one :) xx

10-11-10, 16:57
They may have just been monitoring your heart rate while you were having the op but if u say that they had things on ur chest then it was probably an ECG. You're better off asking your doc to have another one, just for your own reassurance. There's no point in you worrying about it when simple test can give you the reassurance you're after. Let us know how you get on. x :)