View Full Version : Fear of Feeling "Normal"

10-11-10, 03:58
Ok so i suffer from Anxiety and Seasonal Depression (which then makes my anxiety worse and i feel totally crazy and shut off from the world) well....

Basically i know i have to change, things have to change and i know its possibly however i have felt a freak and been unable to do things for so long now that i think to myself...what if i hate the new normal me!!

Probably makes no sense but its like as soon as i feel im moving forward and getting better guilt kicks in like a ddevil on my shoulder saying "heeeeey i have been with you for a long time you cant just leave me here" :blush:

Then i back off and give in abit :lac:

I just wondered...does anyone else ever think like this.

I would LOVE to just be NORMAL and be able to do things without over annaylising every situation and talking myself out of it!!!

11-11-10, 05:19
If your irrational side (fear) sees a lake but your rational side (common sense) sees a puddle, sometimes you just have to believe in what your rational side says and jump to prove to yourself your irrational side was wrong...or you stay at the edge forever analysing which side to believe when deep down you know which is right but irrational fear tries to hold you back to keep control of you so you never move forward or regain control of your life.:)