View Full Version : first day back at work

10-11-10, 05:14
first day back at work hope it goes well scared im gonna feel like shit all day =[

10-11-10, 08:19
I know the feeling. I am in a real bad way and have to teach 3 classes today - help!! Just breathe !!!

10-11-10, 08:31
hey shaggy, hope it goes ok for you! its never as bad as your expecting it to be :hugs: good luck xx

10-11-10, 08:55
Hope you have a really good day.:)

10-11-10, 10:18
I hope it's going well for you!

paula lynne
10-11-10, 10:20
Hiya shaggy, I bet its not as bad as you imagine it too be, let us know x:)

10-11-10, 11:18
Best of luck to you...hope it goes better than u thought!! as paula says let us know :) x

10-11-10, 11:44
Good luck and hope it goes well :hugs:

Carol x

10-11-10, 12:05
Good luck Shaggy x

16-11-10, 01:02
sorry have replied but yeh i was extreamly tired but yeh its been ok =]

16-11-10, 11:17
Hi shaggy, can I ask how long you have been off work!

Sammylou x

19-11-10, 09:14
sorry havent been on in a few days and erm for about 3-4 months as my job is very physical i took a really big affect on my ability to work but as im starting to understand its just anxiety im just trying to get on with it i get worse when im tired so for the first week was a bit of a mess but your body gets useto it so there for not being so anxtious =] hope this helps