View Full Version : Left scapula/rib pain and heart flutters

10-11-10, 05:43
Last night I woke up in the middle of the night with fluttering heart beats and pain in my scapula/ribs on the left side of my body; the pain originates just at the point of my scapula and the ribs in the area. Sometimes it radiates down my back or under my breast. I have had this back pain before as I work in a physically demanding job, and was worried about the pain in regards to the fact that sometimes it went onto my chest. Went to my GP and was told it was muscle pain and I was giving msucle relaxers and Physical therapy for my shoulder.

Part of me wants to give this explanation, this week I really did put a lot of stress on my back, but the fluttering heart beats at the same time really made me think - HEART ATTACK!

Well I have had the pain throughout the day and only short periods of these "skipping beats." Right now the pain is moderate, but it's a very different sort of pain -- like it's deep or visceral. Kind of acheing and dull. It almost feels like theres something in the lobe of my lung. If I press on my ribs they hurt near the area too. At the moment I am relaxed and have no experienced any heart symptoms. Just trying to convince myself that this is not heart related. Should I made an appointment with the GP? Last night just terrifed me, the beats felt out of control.

10-11-10, 09:48
I have had the same issue.
For over a year and a bit I have had back neck and shoulder issues. I had physio and osteo on it, worked a bit but the pain would always be there or come back.
It was so hard to believe it was muscular but now that it is definately feeling better I can understand that it really was.
It is just unfortunate as the muscles in that area really take a long time to heal :(
You said you had a physically demanding job, just keep note of what you are doing and try not to put too much strain on yourself if you can help it.
I found when sleeping laying on my back was good and also investing in a really good pillow.
Along with all that pain it did radiate through to the left side of my chest/breast area which was what was concerning me the most, yet it was all just related etc.
The heart flutters are you getting anx, so it is not related to your muscle issues etc

10-11-10, 13:01
It does sound like the two are separate things. We're not doctors and can only speak from experience. But some years ago I had trouble with my left shoulder and the pain was in a similar place to yours. It radiated through to the front and hurt to touch it. The other thing worth thinking about is perhaps acid in the stomach? A trip to the chiropractor sorted my shoulder out, but it was almost stuck at one point. Very painful.