View Full Version : Recovered!!

10-11-10, 10:09
Hi, I have been on here several times over the last 3 or 4 years, though not so much during the last year. I had a breakdown in 2006, the 4th in 30 years! And as a result I suffered with anxiety for 3.5 years. I have suffered with panic and agoraphobia too. My first breakdown lasted a year and I was housebound with agoraphobia all that time. The second breakdown I had anxiety for 6 months and was cured by a psychologist who corrected my breathing for me. The third breakdown resulted in anxiety again and that lasted for 4 months. But this last one has been the longest. I dont know why. Plus, for the first time ever, it stopped me driving the car! So for 9 months I was unable to drive. Then when I got into the car again, I had to start from scratch going only short distances and building back up slowly again. This meant I could not get to my parents 60 miles away for 3 years without hubby taking me, and even that wasn't straight forward as I had to dare myself to even get in the car with him!

But now, 4 years after the breakdown, I am 99.9% back to normal and I can drive the 60 miles to my mums and back as well. One thing that helped me a lot, apart from this website, was Claire Weekes, Reading her books, I felt like she was thinking about me when she was writing them!

I recommend her books to anyone in an anxiety/panic/agoraphobic state.

My dad died this summer and I was dreading going back into another breakdown but I haven't done. I just hope and pray that I never suffer again as long as I live.

Thanks to everyone during those 3.5 years, for your support. Much appreciated.


paula lynne
10-11-10, 10:14
Hi Shirl thats fantastic, keep going x
Ive sent you a PM x
Well done x Paula x:hugs:

10-11-10, 16:08
Hi Paula, I have replied to your PM. Many thanks. Shirl

Vanilla Sky
10-11-10, 21:13
Well done to you
Paige xx