View Full Version : Having a really hard time at the moment xxx

10-11-10, 11:35
Hi everyone,

Just needed some support at the moment... im really struggling. I have had quite bad Health Anxiety for some months now and its gotten to the stage where im convinced im dying. I have daily headaches, face pain, pressure in my head, eyes blurring, tiredness, weakness, forgetfullness, jelly legs, tight neck, trembling, paranoia and jolting especially when trying to sleep. I wake up like it and I go to bed like it. I have been to the doctor and had countless blood tests, last one was about 8 weeks ago and was normal on everything. I convinced myself I had a brain tumor so went doctor he said anxiety, he did a test on eyes and reflexes etc. Am seeing a neurologist tomorrow but honestly feel like this will be it, he'll tell me I have a brain tumor and thats that.

I am currently having CBT sessions, first one last week, and I am trying to breathe properly and relax my body and just to be more calm but nothing is helping. I have been on Citalopram for about 6 years and occaisionally take Propanalol when needed although they tend to make me nauseas.

Sorry for rambling, but any words of comfort or positivitiy would be great.

Thank you so much!

Peace and love

Katie xxx

10-11-10, 11:43
Sorry your havin such a hard time I feel exactly the same my doc says the same its anxiety but I honestly feel like something is seriously wrong. Who would have thought anxiety could make you feel so physically ill. Good luck with your app will be thinking of you xx

10-11-10, 11:52
Hi SillyKat, Sorry your having a horrible time at the moment! You'll find lots of support on here everyone is so lovely. I've been referred for CBT so you'lll have to let me know how you get on. I'm on a waiting list so don't know when I'll get an appointment. I was prescribed Cit, but was too worried about the side effects so my doctor prescribed a different one for me.. It's day 2 and I'm feeling ok. I'll let you know how I'm getting on.. Take Care Caroline.. :)

10-11-10, 12:11
Thanks for your replies. I hope your CBT works well for you ill let you know how I get on.

It is just so hard to believe that it is anxiety when you feel so ill, I honestly used to think no one knew how I felt but do you guys actually feel physically ill? I feel physical pain weakness etc... Sorry that you are going through the same thing :o(


10-11-10, 12:28
Hi SillyKat, I don't have health Anxiety I have general anxiety, which is awful sometimes.. However at times I have felt very poorly with sickness and strange sensations, especially burning feelings in my body, racing heart beats etc.... I'm fortunate that I can do my normal routines, which is so important with two boys to look after.. I try to ignore a lot of my symptoms, but things got on top of me:) last Friday so I went to the doctors and he prescribed the cit, I took one and I had a panic attack so I stopped taking them. I had an awful weekend so I went back to the doctors on Monday and he prescribed a different AD and then suggested the CBT. I hope you feel better soon, take care xxx

10-11-10, 13:48
Yes hun I feel physically ill I do right now I hate it x

10-11-10, 16:20
Thank you to my replies. Im trying to be positive but there is this "what if" thing. Im feeling so ill, physical pain and exhausted from it! Hope you all start feeling better x