View Full Version : Scared but determined!

10-11-10, 11:45
:)Morning all - the sun is shining and at this exact moment I feel positive I can beat this but am sure that may change! After a lot of change and stress my anxiety has come back with avengence and for the last 8 months I have suffered mainly in silence with a fear of tablets and eating. Caused by a panic attack after taking a tablet. Then the same again. And then hey presto my little head thought yes this will happen whenever you swallow something so thats where I am. I am slowly managing to eat but not to the same gusto I used to but I guess it will take time. The tablet thing just fills me with dread (I will of course once having taken one lose complete control and end up a ranting mess). Joking aside though I know its irrational it is something I need to deal with so am here for support, guidance, similar experiences and advice. Determined (for the moment!) xx

10-11-10, 11:47
Hi Amethyst69

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-11-10, 12:18
:welcome: Amethyst

10-11-10, 12:38
Hi Amethyst welcome to nmp. I really do sympathise with the tablet thing. I have terrible problems swallowing anything larger than a pin head. My throat closes in anticipation and it makes me panic, so I now do what my lovely Mum used to do, Crush em !! then mix it up with a spoonful of something you like eg. I love damson jam or thick creamy yoghurt,then you cant see the offending little blighter and it slips down your throat with ease.
Hope the anxiety passes quickly.

Take care

Love Christine xx

10-11-10, 12:43
Thanks Christine - its not the action of swallowing that I am scared of its the fact that once I have thats it - cant get it back out again. Which is totally irrational as if I need a tablet it is going to do me good!!

Its a very scary and lonely business anxiety so thanks for your kind words


paula lynne
10-11-10, 12:47
Hi Joanne, welcome aboard x
Keep on with your determind attitude, it will help you go far x:welcome:

Veronica H
10-11-10, 17:54
:welcome:to NMP. This is a friendly place with great information and support.

10-11-10, 19:41
Is it a fear of a reaction to the tablet that is worrying you? If it is I can totally understand how you feel. I get into a terrible state, but just lately I have been in such a state (waiting for mammogram results) that I have had to take a diazepam. I think the family were almost to the point of putting it in a piece of chocolate and fooling me ... anyway, even I realised that I couldn't go on and actually swallowed one (2mg). Then I burst into tears in sheer panic BUT I have to say thank goodness I did it. Now I can't wait to take the next one!!! It's not the cure, but atleast I can cope a little better. As for your eating, just try a little at a time. Also, I have found that taking the tranquiliser I feel a bit less anxious and have been able to eat a bit - not loads, but my appetite is improving. Take care x