View Full Version : feeling odd

15-03-06, 16:04
yes i am feel odd she says, well the last few days have been really bad for me i wake up and all i thnk about is if i am going to die i feel so scared and i am getting lots more sytoms comeing on like i feel sick and dizzy all the time, my apatite has gone and that really unuale for me, and feeling really scared for no reson.

i had been doing so well i thought i was getting better and now this, i have been really shaky on the inside to all most feel like depersonliation but its not that bad, its so odd i just cant help to think that something is really wrong with me and i am going to die, i am not haven a good time of it at the moment.

so i am off to the doctors today to see if he will change my meds i am on Propranolol wich is a Beta blocker 10mg as and when i need them and 10 mg of Amitriptyline wich is a tricyclic. i hope he changes them or something i was getting on so well with these am also going to ask him if he can refure me to anther doc (sorry could not spell the name if i tryed)

have minets were i feel like me agin its so odd i dont know weather i am coming or going, and i dont think i have done anything to set this off it all started staurday and sunday but i did nothing out of the ordanry. so i am so confused, as i dont know why i am feeling like this, i also think i am getting depressed now to as all i can do is cry. will post on here when i get back and tell you all how it went.

thanks to you all
hope your all well
take care amanda xx

15-03-06, 16:20
Hi Hunny

I am feeling just like you, havent posted for a while as I have been doing so well, now for the past couple of days I have had pains all over and chronic tiredness , which has started the anxiety off again I feel constantly strange, unreal and think there must be something wrong with me and unlike you I am phobic of doctors so just worry myself to death, which makes it all worse. I have been crying as well. But we know deep down its just a blip and we will get through it. Good luck at the doctors hun, hope you get the help you want.

Take care

Luv Barb x

15-03-06, 16:24
Hey babe,
Try not to worry!! Ur not going to die!! It sounds like you have a tummy bug- but you know me, im no doctor!!! You come on and let us know what your doc said and member to get that test done just incase!!! Hope you feel better sweet!!
huge hugs- squeeze

15-03-06, 17:27
Hunny -Hope your doctor explained things well to you and you found an outcome that you are pleased with. Getting over anxiety is not easy and certainly not an overnight thing

Barb - glad things are better. Blip and move on .


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

15-03-06, 21:01
thank you everyone for your help and suppourt. well i weny and he increced my Amitriptyline to 20 mg and told me to tack my Propranolol 3 times a day and not just wheni feel like it dont know if i want to, but i will try and do that, all so he said he would try to refure me to anther doc (phicatrist well idont know how to spell) but hes dought full as i wont meet the crytera he said he dose not think i am ill enough he said that well may be i am not he also said to go and get some councerling but i woul;d have to pay for it and i am not to sure if this would help! o well i will try it any other sergestions on what i can do to help myself?

i do relise this wont go away over night abut i do hope it will go away one day i am determened to beet this.

thanks agin everyone
tacke care
amanda xx

15-03-06, 22:35
Hi Amanda

It takes time and i many of us are not so lucky where we get free counselling. I am pleased he has reassured you and looked at your mediation differently. Hope it works out for you and we are all here to support you through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

16-03-06, 13:12
hey hunny!!
thats not fair, i think everyone with anxiety should be entitled to free help!!! just plod on for now babe and when you come down her we will sort you out!! lol

18-03-06, 22:26
Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

First Steps: First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=healthanxiety)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)

Also try the helpline service from www.nopanic.org and Yes some CBT will help.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress