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07-03-04, 18:11
Well at this risk of cursing myself i thought i would just let you all know that its been a month now since i had any major anxiety or related symptoms.

Bye Bye miserable, dark winter - - Summer is on the way!!!!


I used to be extremely indecisive but now I am not so sure...

07-03-04, 18:25

That is cool news - well done you.

I haven't had any (apart from one minor episode of anxiety when driving) since I went to Bristol in January so things are looking up for both of us eh?

The thing is Jon - are there things that you still need to do or face. For example, I still haven't tried driving on the M25 and not even thought about trying planes, trains, buses, taxis etc. I guess I will soon but I am enjoying the nice feeling of being well for now - are you the same?


07-03-04, 22:07
Yeah Nic, still wondering whether i should meet my mum for the first time in 20 years!
Still wondering whether i can face going abroad for Hols.


I used to be extremely indecisive but now I am not so sure...

08-03-04, 12:05
Hiya guys,

Jonny - I'm glad you are doing great. I'm sure yuo'll come to a decision about your mum in your own time - good luck whatever you decide

Nic - I agree you have to keep pushing yourself but it's nice just to sit back sometimes and look at what you HAVE achieved rather than what you have not eh!!!

Take Care

08-03-04, 15:21
I'm a great believer in stopping on a plateau and enjoy it fully before pushing yourself again.

It's helpful to do some writing and journaling whilst comfy on a plateau too, so that when you next push and perhaps have a difficult day you can look at it and only just a few days ago you were totally fine .

Well done on the journey so far .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

09-03-04, 09:43
Excellent !

Hang on to that possitive vibe.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

09-03-04, 16:03
Oh well, as suspect i did jinx myself. Double dose of diazepam today!!!



I used to be extremely indecisive but now I am not so sure...

09-03-04, 16:05

Small setback eh Jonny - tomorrow will be better!!!


09-03-04, 16:11
What was it all about ?



Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

09-03-04, 17:24
Thanks Lucky, im sure your'e right.

Meg - I have no idea, that is the problem with me. it just comes outta the blue.
Last night we did plan to go out for a meal as we were both off today but as the time drew near i didn't feel like it as i was just too tired after 6 days on at work. But i did feel kinda pressured because i had made babysitting arrangements etc.. We ended up staying in and watching the tele which was worse as i got really upset about this programme. I forget what it was called but it was on 9pm on BBC1 and it was about a chap having Neuro Surgery. I was nearly in tears as it showed you all the emotions his wife was going through and it made me realize how cruel life is.

Did you see it?


I used to be extremely indecisive but now I am not so sure...

09-03-04, 20:15

Sorry to hear that mate. When did you have to take the diazepam - was it after watching the program or before. I never saw it, I knew it was on but watched something else.

How bad was the panic/anxiety?


10-03-04, 11:29

I hope u are having a better day today. I was watching something else but 'flicked' on to BBC 1 and seen something about a surgeion who was operating on a wee boy - was it the same programme? I flicked it over pretty quickly as it was too much


10-03-04, 12:14

I am not sure if it was the same one or not. But this guy had a brain tumor and was given the choice of five years live with his own personality or undergo surgery and get a full life but with the risk of brain damage and loosing his speech - basically becoming a totally different person. His wife was really choked up and it showed you her whilst her husband was under the knife not knowing how he was going to fair, not knowing if her husband was going to be the same again.
The guy was awake during the operation and was kept talking so the surgeon knew when he was sucking away at his brain and not the tumor!! Imagine that.



I used to be extremely indecisive but now I am not so sure...

10-03-04, 14:29
No Jonny I don't think it was the same one the one I seen was last night and it was about a surgeon but I think you would remember if there was a wee boy in it.

These stories really put our problems into perspective don't they Jonny. What a decision to have to make.
Is there going to be a follow up to see how the guy is doing do you know?

Are u having a better day today?


10-03-04, 14:33
Hi Jonny

Hope you are having a better day. I see you take diazepam. I have it to take in emergencies but only take 2mg, which does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I was just wondering how much you take and how much it affects it has

Meg is it normal for a tranq not to work sometimes, is it because it's such a low dose. Of course I get irrational and think I can't have anxiety or else the meds would work. How anxious is that, lol


10-03-04, 14:35

If u go into the medication section there is a post called Valium Addiction which should cover most of your questions


10-03-04, 15:16
thanks Lucky, I hadn't seen that


10-03-04, 16:22

As Nic asked - when did the panic hit you ?


10-03-04, 16:41
Hi Jonny

I saw that programme too! It must have been a repeat because I saw it a few weeks ago. Unlike you, I was feeling great and was engrossed in the whole thing! It just showed what an amazing thing the brain is and the fantastic things that research has made possible. There is loads of research on specific areas of the brain just now and the realisation that maybe, anxiety sufferers and phobics can be helped, after all!

Hope you are having a better day today - when you start to have thoughts about not being so good - re-frame and tell yourself you are going to be great instead!


11-03-04, 20:49

I don't know exactly i find things just build up. I think i am just a very sensative person and lost of things upset me.
Its nearly 9pm on thursday and i am off to bed. Tracey wants to watch that special interview with the parents of Holly Wells but i know it would kill me. Things like that just pull my heart out and i will be sad for days so i am off to watch some trash on Sky upstairs.


I used to be extremely indecisive but now I am not so sure...

12-03-04, 12:16

i too intentionally avoided that programme as I know it would be too much. I think if you get very upset at these things then there is no point in torturing yourself.


12-03-04, 20:44
I haven't watched it yet but I videoed it. We went to the church in Soham at the time to pay our respects but now they are saying that people should have stayed away.

Hard to know what to do for the best isn't it?

It was a truly magnificant sight to see with all the flowers, gifts etc but you can understand why the village/town had wanted people to stay away - it became like a tourist attraction and I did feel kinda embarrassed when some of the (obvious) locals were telling us all to go away.

There were coach loads of people arriving so it got out of hand I think!
