View Full Version : to all lumpy breasted ladies

10-11-10, 16:28
Hi all

I have lumpy boobs, my left is alot lumpier then the right one. I have had a breast mouse (fibroadenoma ) removed and have micro cysts and then 3 weeks ago was back a breast clinic for another cyst (which appanently I wouldnt be able to feel). My problem is I want to do a breast map so I know whats normal for me so I don't panic when I next go to check my breasts. But they are so lumpy I couldnt possibly begin to note where there are :-( and I am getting myself into a state about it.

How do you all cope with your lumpy boobs. I am scared I am going to overlook a "nasty" lump at some point.

Its taking over my life :-(


10-11-10, 16:43
Hope you don’t mind a man answering, I have loads of cysts....and i mean loads all over my body some small some large, My late father had them and my GP tells me they are genetic. I did pose your exact question to my GP many years ago and he pretty much said to keep feeling the cysts and in no time you will get to know exactly how they feel and move and then if, in the unlikely event you should come across a non cyst, you will instantly know. I must have given him an odd look because he then said trust me you will know. I have since said about it to other doctors and their reply was pretty much the same ‘you will know’
Hope this helps

10-11-10, 17:48
You could ask someone you trust to take a photo, or even try to take one of you in the mirror. Print it out and mark the areas that you can feel lumps with numbers. Then on a piece of paper you can give details about each lump. For instance
1: small, hard
2: deeply in the breast, fairly large and moveable.
Hope that helps!

10-11-10, 18:24
That's a really good suggestion, I have the same issue. Loads of small hard lumps as well as a very large breast mouse in my left boob.

10-11-10, 19:28
Thanks everyone for your replies - Groundhog, no I dont mind one bit thank you for your input.:D

I am going to try and calm down abit and try all of your suggestions. I am also going to speak to my consultant about having a 6-9 month check up or something so we can compare notes.

I hate feeling like this and being scared :scared15:to do a check which I know is very important.

Thank you again


11-11-10, 21:43
Hi Mogwog :hugs:

I think Groundhog's suggestion is a great one! I've really lumpy breasts too, have had a fibroadenoma too (which vanished when I was pregnant) and also have breast cancer in my family which makes me a bit neurotic.

I check myself in the shower using soap - it's amazing how much more you can feel. You can actually buy special gloves for checking your boobs based on the same premise - I think they are on line.

I pretty much know my boobs back to front now and so am really quick to spot any changes (which I happen to notice quite a lot - have been referred three times in as many years, but it's good to be vigilant)

I think in a few months you'll feel a lot happier about checking yourself honey x