View Full Version : Ovarian cancer/ something similar!

10-11-10, 16:29
Hey for the past week or so I've been worrying about ovarian cancer or something like early onset menopause! ( I'm 20)
My period is usually every 28 - 30 days but is 7 days late and I've been getting some cramping and was spotting around the day I was meant to come on!
I'm emetophobic so have been taking prochlorperazine maleate for piece of mind and I've read that this can make your periods late and mimic signs of pregnancy! I haven't actually taken that many, only a couple when I make the long journey down to see my boy friend!
However I am convinced there is something more serious wrong with me!

10-11-10, 20:19
help :(

10-11-10, 20:44
Hi Helen

Ovarian cancer is exteremely rare in someone of your age but I know how you feel ( I am convinced I have vulva cancer at the moment and that is rare!!).

Are you sure that you are not pregnant? Late periods and slight spotting can be signs. Also, if the medication you are on lists your symptoms as possible side affects, then it could easily be that. It could just be a case of stress causing the late period. This has happened to me many times.

For you own peace of mind, you should visit your doctor. Let me know how you get on and try not to worry.

10-11-10, 21:04
Hi, thanks for your reply.
I was thinking of taking a pregnancy test but part of me is scared to take one because if it comes back negative then there must be another cause and i will begin panicing that i have something hideous.

My main worries at the moment are cancer and something that may affect my ability to have children in the future :(!
I'm really hoping its the medication or stress but i have a feeling its not :( xxx

12-11-10, 21:43
Hi Helen

Just to reiterate what Jo has said - are you sure you are not pregnant? with both my pregnancies I knew before I took the test I was due to the cramping and the spotting around the time I was due on.

As for Ovarian cancer - this is highly unlikely - my Mum had this cancer (and is still here) but her symptons were more than cramps and spotting! I won't give you the list as it'll just make you focus on them more or you may already know them anyway. Get a pregnancy test done and if it is negative and you are still worrying pop to your GP and see what they think - let me know how you get on xx